Wednesday March 14, 2012 10:00 pm
Justin Bieber Film ‘Worth the Wait’
Justin Bieber's basketball movie will be "worth the wait."
The "Baby" singer is set to star in an as-yet-untitled picture alongside Mark Wahlberg, and although no script is yet in, Mark believes it will be a particularly good film.
"We're waiting for the script. Waiting for the script. Every time I see Bieber or Scooter Braun, I have to explain to them that it's a bit of a process having the script written. It certainly has to be something that's good enough to go and have green-lit and make right away. But I think it will be well worth the wait."
Mark previously said the movie would be in a similar vein to The Color of Money, with Bieber playing a young up-and-coming sports star. No schedule is yet known for when the film may be released.
Although it would be Justin's first feature, it would not be his debut in a movie theatre - he previously appeared in his own concert movie Never Say Never.
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- justin bieber, mark wahlberg, scripts
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