Monday December 14, 2009 3:18 pm
Judi Dench Has Street Cred
Dame Judi Dench has played agent M in the 007 franchise since 1995’s Goldeneye and can’t wait to reprise the role for the latest James Bond movie.
“They’re exciting. They give you street cred. Everything is so beautifully made,” the 75-year-old said. “I get to see frightfully cool things and behave in an autocratic way and give Bond a hard time. What could be better?”
The actress recently completed work on musical movie Nine and admits the film gave her her most frightening acting experience as she was so terrified of performing in front of co-star Sophia Loren.
“I’d never met her and she arrived on set just as I was about to perform my number. She sat and watched. I said to Rob Marshall, the director, ‘I can’t ever have been more frightened than this moment,’” Dench told the Times newspaper. “It was like someone had given me an enormous injection. I suddenly had to be on the ball.”
Read More | The Times
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- 007, agent m, bond, bond franchise, dame judi dench, james bond, judi dench, nine, sophia loren
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