Wednesday August 11, 2010 6:06 pm
Jennifer Coolidge: The Downside of Being Stifler’s Mom
Jennifer Coolidge says being recognized as “Stifler’s mom” from American Pie can be tiresome.
The buxom actress, best known for her sexy part in the teenage comedy, admits the fame the role has bought to her life can occasionally get on her nerves.
“There’s no private time. It gets tiring,” she said. “Some people are really nice about it. I get Saudi princes and famous people stopping me in LA and saying, ‘You’re Stifler’s mom, can I take a picture with you?’ But then you get people putting their camera in your face without asking. They think they can do whatever they like.”
Read More | The Scotsman
Despite making a career of comedic roles, the Legally Blonde star says she didn’t initially plan to specialize in funny characters.
“I was trying to be a dramatic actress forever. I was living in New York, working in Canastel’s restaurant on 19th and Park,” she admitted to the Scotsman.
“I was the cocktail waitress and Sandra Bullock was the host and this guy came in and persuaded me to try improv with Gotham City Improv. I was terrible, the worst improviser that ever lived. But then doors opened for me in the comedy world.”
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- american pie, jennifer coolidge, stifler's mom
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