Saturday March 31, 2012 1:12 am
Arnold Schwarzenegger Signs up to Twins Sequel
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito are set to team up for a sequel to Twins.
The actors will reprise their roles as unlikely brothers Julius and Vincent, who were conceived via test tube, in the follow up to the 1988 movie but the new film Triplets will feature the twist that they have another brother, according to Heat Vision Blog: Eddie Murphy is being lined up for the role of the surprise sibling.
Ivan Reitman, who directed the original will return to the project but only act as a producer with his Montecito Picture Co. partners Joe Medjuk, Tom Pollock and Ali Bell. As yet, there is no director attached. The focus is currently on finding a writer to pen the script based on the new idea.
Twins was Arnold's first departure from action flicks and remains his highest grossing comedy, also ranking as one of the most successful films of Danny and director Ivan's careers. The movie was based on the idea that Arnold and Danny's characters were twins born "in a secret lab somewhere in the Western hemisphere" where Schwarzenegger got all the good genes and DeVito got all the leftovers.
- Related Tags:
- ali bell, arnold schwarzenegger, danny devito, eddie murphy, ivan reitman, joe medjuk, montecito picture co., producers, scripts, tom pollock, triplets, twins, twins sequel
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