On Gear Live: 2024 Nissan Z Nismo Review

Saturday January 23, 2010 11:19 am

Amy Adams Disappoints Enchanted Fans

Amy Adams as Giselle in EnchantedLeap Year star tries to detach herself from her character in Enchanted.

The 35-year-old actress, who played fairytale character Giselle in the film, says parents often try to get her to speak to their children, who end up disappointed.

“Most of the time it’s the parents who recognize me. They try to tell their kids, ‘Look, it’s Giselle,’ and I say, ‘No, no, no, don’t ruin this for them,’ because I’m usually standing there with my hair sideways and no make-up on. And the kid is saying, ‘That is not Giselle. No way. That is some worn-out girl who really needs a bath.’”

Amy also claimed that the actress that plays Giselle in Disneyland is better than her: “She is creepy good. I met her at the première and said, ‘Wow, you’re better at being me than I am.’”

Discussing her movie career, she added that she tries to learn about a character when she gets a role but often changes her outlook when filming. She told the Daily Telegraph, “I research every part thoroughly. I talk it out with my actor friends, but then I throw it all away when I get to the set. You have to be spontaneous.”



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