Tuesday April 24, 2012 1:27 am
Adam McKay: Anchorman 2 Will be a ‘Big Change’
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: DreamWorks, Paramount, Sequels, Comedy, Scripts, Upcoming Releases,
The Anchorman 2 characters can expect a "big blast of change" compared to the first installment of the film. Writer/director Adam McKay isn't expecting the movie's stars - which will include news presenter Ron Burgundy, who is played by Will Ferrell - to cope with the differences in the follow up to the 2004 comedy movie because there will be "a lot of innovation" thrown in their direction.
"We know these guys never deal well with change, and the good thing is that there's a big blast of change coming, according to the regular timeline. We're going to be throwing a lot of innovation at them, and they're not going to handle it well," he said.
Adam confirmed the production team have already thought of "a couple of ideas" for a gang fight in the sequel following the success of the comical grapple in Anchorman, but he admitted the follow up is currently only "two per cent" written.
"We've done about two per cent! Half a per cent? We've got five pages of story notes and chunks of story. We're holing up writing for the next three months," he added to Empire.
The original movie tells the story of big shot news presenter Ron who clashes with his new female counterpart while anchoring KVWN-TV Channel 4 Evening News.
- Related Tags:
- adam mckay, anchorman, anchorman 2, anchorman sequel, directors, ron burgundy, scripts
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