On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Wednesday July 25, 2007 5:10 pm

Angelina Jolie Takes on Historic Lore In Beowulf

Angelina JolieOf all the actresses in all the sets in all the world, had to walk into Old English literature. She’ll be part of the cast in Paramount’s Beowulf, directed by Robert Zemeckis. Anyone who sat through High School English will probably remember the ancient tale of warrior Beowulf against nasty little Grendel, one of the most famous literary villains. Ray Winstone will play the title character in the flick, with Crispin Glover slated to play the monster. Jolie will play the monster’s mother, seductress of Beowulf and more desperate for a child than your average thirty-five-year-old single woman. The epic poem was carefully translated into an understandable script, with strong sexual overtones igniting an otherwise somewhat dry tale of heroism. Film insiders say the integrity of the book has been preserved. 

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