Wednesday October 10, 2007 5:57 pm
Worst Movie Titles of 2007 (So Far)

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Action, Adventure, Drama, Family, Period, Romance, Sequels, Comedy, Lists,
This weekend’s Joaquin Phoenix/Mark Wahlberg flick has been driving me batty for weeks—and I haven’t yet seen the film. I don’t even have a problem with the trailer. The movie simply suffers from a horrible case of crap-title-itus.
We Own the Night? Could that be more vague? Instead of envisioning a cops vs. mafia film, all I can see is the now-defunct (yet great) soap opera Edge of Night. And while I understand the film’s title would be explained if I actually watched it, that doesn’t excuse it’s existence. The box office shelf life for movies is extremely short these days; more attention should be paid to the little things. I’m an extremely shallow person who often judges books by their cover. I need a proper teaser.
And believe me—‘craptitleitus’ does not discriminate. Great movies, movies actually worthy of attention, often become victims of this affliction. Poor marketing can affect anything and everyone.
So to honor We Own the Night’s crap-status, I’m going to list my Worst Titles of 2007 (thus far).
In no particular order….
- We Own the Night
- Freedom Writers
- Because I Said So
- Norbit
- Black Snake Moan
- Pride
- Shooter
- Are We Done Yet?
- Perfect Stranger
- Fracture
- Next
- Georgia Rule
- Live Free or Die Hard
- I Know Who Killed Me
- The Brave One
- Eastern Promises
- Amazing Grace
- The Last Mimzy
- Even Money
- Waitress
- Evening
- Who’s Your Caddy?
- Daddy Day Camp
- Becoming Jane
- The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
- Related Tags:
- amazing grace, are we done yet, because i said so, becoming jane, black snake moan, daddy day camp, eastern promises, even money, evening, fracture, freedom writers, georgia rule, i know who killed me, joaquin phoenix, list, live free or die hard, mark wahlberg, next, norbit, perfect stranger, pride, shooter, the assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford, the brave one, the last mimzy, waitress, we own the night, who’s your caddy, worst movie titles
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