Sunday May 4, 2008 5:44 pm
Warner Bros. Releases Dark Knight Trailer No. 3
Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Warner Bros, Action, Adaptation, Adventure, Mystery, Sequels, Thrillers, Trailers, Upcoming Releases,
As everyone and their mother rushed to the theaters to see Iron Man this weekend, they were in for quite a surprise as the latest teaser trailer for Christopher Nolan’s Batman series played prior to the film.
Ever since the first screenings of Iron Man, bootleg versions of the trailer have appeared on YouTube; The Dark Knight team seems to have wanted to nip that in the butt quickly, as they ended up posting it on their official site this past weekend, which you can see after the jump.
Although the campaign for the film has bombarded us with clips and images of Heath Ledger‘s character, Joker, very little has been spoken of Aaron Eckhart‘s Harvey Dent, who ultimately becomes Two-Face. That is, of course, until this trailer, where if you look close enough, you’re able to see the scars on the side of his face when he’s holding up the gun.
Folks over at Warner Bros. just continue to keep us entertained, as they had just released new teaser posters a mere couple weeks ago (which can be viewed at Omelete). The film is set to be released in theaters July 18, 2008.
If YouTube fails to satisfy your viewing needs, you can also view it here.
- Related Tags:
- aaron eckhart, batman, christian bale, christopher nolan, heath ledger, iron man, july, morgan freeman, sequels, sidefeatured, teaser, the dark knight, trailer, two-face, warner bros. harvey dent, youtube
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