On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Tuesday July 10, 2007 11:56 am

The Remake Sprayed Round the World

John Travolta and Nikki BlonskyThe dance moves. The music. The fashion. And, of course, the hair. Hairspray has been successful as an iconic film and Broadway hit for almost two decades - but is that long enough to wait for a remake? The new Hairspray is scheduled to hit theatres July 20, with Nikki Blonsky playing the role that Ricki Lake once made famous, delightfully full-figured teen Tracy. The new Hairpray will show much more John Travolta than fans have seen before - he’ll be in a fat suit, and he’ll be in drag as Tracy’s mother, a role once played by famous drag queen Divine. Early reviews have already bashed Travolta, saying his accent rings false, proving that critics are finding far too little to complain about. It took more than a year to convince Travolta to play the role of Edna Turnblad, and now his star power will no doubt bring in bucks for the spray-licious remake. Michelle Pfieffer, Amanada Bynes, and Britney Snow are also in the flick, ensuring that more than one generation of music and dance fans will have a reason to go to the theaters.

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