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Thursday April 23, 2009 3:17 pm

Terrence Howard Says Marvel Made “Bad Choice” with Iron Man Snub

Terrence Howard in Iron Man

Depending on how you feel about karma, and Marvel could both have some stuff coming their their way. Whether it’s good or bad remains to be seen.

In an interview with Parade magazine, the Fighting star talked about being replaced for Iron Man 2. Although it was rumored that Howard’s monetary demands were too high, the Oscar nominee claims it was the greedy studio that dropped the ball.

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“Marvel made a choice, and it was a very, very bad choice. They didn’t keep their word. They didn’t honor my contract. They produced a great bounty with the first one but they put it all in the storehouse and you were not allowed in. They did the same thing with , from what I’ve been told. They did it with almost everyone except Robert Downey [Jr.]. One of the things that actors need to learn to do is always stick together, one for all and all for one.”

So how does Howard feel about the franchise he helped launch now? And does he feel any bitterness toward Don Cheadle, the new Jim Rhodes?

“I’ve seen the script, I know what’s going to happen, but I’m not revealing anything. I believe in karma. When someone does something wrong, you don’t have to get them back. Everything right will return the favor for you. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing the movie. I want to see Don Cheadle become me. No, I want him to do better than me. That’s what I really want to see. Don Cheadle was the reason I got Crash, so I have a lot of love for him.”

, currently in production, is scheduled for release on May 7, 2010.



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