On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Sunday November 4, 2007 5:29 pm

Shia LeBeouf Arrested in Chicago

Shia LeBeoufThis year’s ‘It’ boy has just surpassed another noteworthy milestone on his rise to stardom:  the drunken arrest.

The star of , and was detained early this morning in The Windy City after refusing to leave a Walgreens.  A security guard, believing to be drunk, told Shia to exit the store.  The Chicago Police Department was then asked to step in when the actor refused to cooperate.  (Apparently he’s not used to taking instruction from someone other than a director.)  LeBeouf - who was reportedly ‘very courteous and polite’ with authorities - posted bail after being detained for several hours.  He is scheduled to appear in court on November 28 for misdemeanor criminal trespassing.

Interestingly enough, the actor held off celebrating his 21st birthday last June because of his work on .  LeBeouf told Vanity Fair he wanted to finish the Indy project before taking a sip.  “People say, ‘What are you doing for your 21st birthday, Shia?’ And I’m like, ‘I’m making an Indiana Jones movie.’ What’s better than that?”  (The movie is currently in post-production, so it appears he may have been a man of his word.)

And while news of a young male star slipping up is hard to come by these days, I found today’s celeb arrest to be mildly disappointing.  Seriously—who hasn’t been kicked out of a store when they were 21?

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You seriously suck balls! so he made a mistake…he is hot and young. who cares? you r a dumbass. 😊

I agree with poop.

Take it easy pee and poop.
Its just an article.


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