Thursday May 29, 2008 8:57 pm
Sharon Stone Apologizes for China Remark
What a difference a year makes. In 2007, Sharon Stone was serving on the jury of the Shanghai International Film Festival. Today, that same organizing committee has banned her for life.
This stiff decision was a result of Stone’s controversial remarks about the Chinese earthquake; it follows a large theater chain’s proposed boycott of the star’s films.
As part of the fallout, one of Stone’s own employers has had to take swift action to repair the damage. In addition to dropping the 50-year-old from their Chinese ads, fashion house Christian Dior has released a statement from the Casino actress:
“Due to my inappropriate words and acts during the interview, I feel deeply sorry and sad about hurting Chinese people. I am willing to take part in the relief work of China’s earthquake, and wholly devote myself to helping affected Chinese people.”
So Sharon’s insensitive remarks caused her to lose work? Now, I think that would qualify as karmic retribution.
Hollywood Reporter
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