Friday April 3, 2009 2:03 pm
See Why Bruno is NC-17 Worthy
Earlier this week, Sacha Baron Cohen‘s latest film, Bruno, was given a preliminary NC-17 rating. Now this red band trailer has given us an idea why. (Note: this clip is intended for mature audiences.)
The adults-only label is, of course, nothing new to the British star. Borat was originally slapped with the same MPAA rating prior to its 2006 debut.
In the mockumentary, Cohen plays a gay Austrian fashionista traveling across the United States. As Bruno, the actor put himself into several sexual situations that are currently under question by the film review board. In one situation, he engages in what appears to be anal sex. He also surprises a man by climbing nude into his tent.
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Although it’s unclear which scenes will eventually be trimmed (Universal intends to release the mockumentary in an R-rated form), the studio apparently has a lot of fat to choose from. “With the quantity of material available, I cannot foresee a problem,” a rep stated.
Bruno opens in theaters on July 10.
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- bruno, motion picture association of america, mpaa, nc 17, nc-17, rating, ratings, red band trailer, red band trailers, sacha baron cohen, sidefeatured, trailer, trailers
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