Wednesday June 25, 2008 6:46 pm
Quentin Tarantino Completes Inglorious Bastards Script
Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror, Period, Political, Comedy, Celeb News, Filmmaking, Rumors, Scripts, Upcoming Releases,
![Tarantino finally finishes Inglorious Bastards script!](
HALLELUJAH! Last weekend at the Provincetown Film Festival,
writer-director Quentin Tarantino announced that he has finally finished the screenplay for that itty-bitty, unknown war epic called Inglorious Bastards.
With having narrowed a once thousand something-page script down to a more reasonable one under two-hundred, Tarantino stated he was “real happy dude right now.” As a personal Tarantino worshipper, I think it’s safe to say that he’s not the only one.
The film will mark the ground-breaking director’s sixth major feature—his first solo project since Kill Bill: Vol. 2 back in 2004. Like Kill Bill, this upcoming WWII epic will most likely be a two-part saga; unlike his revenge movie, Inglorious Bastards will be his first period piece.
BBC News
Despite it being set in WWII, the film guru doesn’t feel like it’s a period piece: “I don’t want it to feel like a period film. I want it to feel current.I want it to feel right now. One of the things I have to battle against is 30 years of Nazi-occupation TV movies where we’ve all seen the big streets and the vintage cars and the Swastikas, and we’ve just seen that ad nauseum. This is a modern, in-your-face movie. This is not a TV movie period piece.”
As odd as that sounds, I think he’s pretty much the only person that can say that and make it have sense.
Tarantino is putting a rush on the project, heading straight to pre-production already! Why? Someone’s eye seems to be set on next year’s Cannes Film Festival...
- Related Tags:
- cannes, cannes film festival, cannes film festival award, cannes film festival awards, film festival, finished script, inglorious bastards, inglourious basterds, kill bill, kill bill vol 2, kill bill: vol. 2, period film, period piece, provincetown film festival, quentin tarantino, screenplay, script, sixth film, sixth major feature, war, war epic, world war ii, wwii
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