Friday July 10, 2009 9:18 pm
Movie Review: Brüno
Consider the hype over Brüno after a very funny and, dare I say (I will), brilliant Borat. Also consider how many times you and your friends have said, “D and G. Dolce and Gabana… Hello!” Obviously, there are going to be lots of expectations and anticipation, which was definitely the case when I sat down in my seat, readying myself to laugh hard and be shocked because you knew it was going to happen. Well, the laughs did come and the shock was definitely there. It was so bad, some mother who brought her adolescent daughters actually walked out of the theater after five minutes. But, seriously, what was she expecting?
The film follows the same cinematography of Borat with hidden cameras, an exponential amount of locations, spliced scenes within scenes, and the embarrassment of real-life people that have no idea that they are looking either very dumb, very homophobic, and/or very punked. Sacha Baron Cohen is an unbelievable comedic actor and he sells playing his character Brüno very well. And if you’ve seen Brüno appearing on various talk shows to promote the movie, such as David Letterman, you know this already.
While Brüno had me hooting and hollering very loudly, Borat was definitely better because Borat is more of a unique character. Gay characters abound in movies and television shows, but nothing like Borat. However, let me clarify and say that Brüno is definitely funny. If you thought that little clip of the commercial that shows Brüno in military training was funny, it’s actually a lot funnier to see that scene in full. There were several moments where I found myself feeling uncomfortable, but still laughed like crazy.
If you wanted to see Brüno beforehand, do it, but temper your expectations a bit if you loved Borat. If you were on the fence, I’d say to still see the movie, but steel yourself for some shocking moments.
Rating: 3 out of 4 stars.
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- borat, br, bruno, bruno movie review, movie review, movie review of br, sacha baron cohen, sidefeatured
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