Monday June 15, 2009 2:32 pm
Mark Millar Already Plotting Kick-Ass Sequel
Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Action, Adaptation, Adventure, Mystery, Satire, Sequels, Comedy, Thrillers, Casting, Upcoming Releases,
Despite the fact that Mark Millar has yet to finish neither the first arc of his Kick-Ass comic nor the film adaptation of it (he has so far only published six issues in thirteen months), the Scottish author already wants the sequel to shoot within two years.
“Kick-Ass 2 is already being plotted out. We’re planning it, because all the actors are quite young and we have to make it relatively quickly. So we’ll definitely do that inside the next 18 to 24 months,” he told Sci-Fi Wire.
Read More | Sci-Fi Wire
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I always figured that it was smart to finish a book in its entirety before ever conceptualizing a sequel. Maybe that’s just me, though. As much as I really want to not like this comic because of it practically being a huge publicity stunt (the protagonist’s name was chosen from the winner of a charity auction, for Christ’s sake!), I can’t resist most of the time. I want to be really excited about this film.
On the other hand, Wanted‘s ending from left-field made me one angry customer at the theater, especially knowing that Millar had been involved in the project. Speaking of which, he’s placing bets on his films!
“Wanted made a fortune. It made a ton of money, and it was a property nobody had ever heard of. And I think Kick-Ass is going to be even bigger. Everybody who’s seen bits of it were rubbing their hands together with excitement because they think they’ve stumbled onto something very big.”
Pretentious much?
- Related Tags:
- comic, comic book, comic book movies, comic books, comicbook, comics, kick ass, kick ass 2, kick ass sequel, kick-ass, kick-ass 2, kick-ass sequel, mark millar, wanted
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