On Gear Live: Circuit Breaker: The Tech Newsletter that Elevates Your Gadget Game

Monday May 28, 2007 9:00 am

Lohan Arrested for DUI

Lindsay LohanOh, Lindsay.  I could set my watch by your absurdity. 

After she joined AA last December and entered a rehab clinic a month later, it seems Lindsay Lohan has fallen off the wagon.  That is, of course, assuming she ever really got on in the first place.  Apparently, the starlet lost control of her Mercedes convertible early Saturday morning, ran into a curb and some shrubbery, and was taken by acquaintances to the hospital for some minor injuries.  When the Beverly Hills Police Department tracked her down, they took her into custody under suspicion of DUI.  As if that isn’t bad enough, the officers also found a substance inside the car believed to be cocaine.  This information coincides with the recent release of a blurry cellphone video featuring an alleged Lohan and friends “riding the white tiger” in a bathroom stall.  I guess she should get used to confined quarters – she’ll likely be joining Paris soon in a jail cell.

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