Sunday March 6, 2011 1:14 am
Kristen Stewart to Play Snow White
Storybooks and Kristen Stewart are a perfect match. The dark-haired beauty is filming her last Twilight film even as we pine away for the release of Breaking Dawn, Part I, but the end of Bella is just the beginning for K-Stew. The actress has signed on to play Snow White, another raven-locked storybook heroine.
Stewart will play one of the titular roles in Universal’s Snow White and the Huntsman, one of two Snow White movies currently in the works.
Producer Palak Patel is hoping to set a new tone for the old fairy tale with the casting decision. She explained it all on Twitter: “Clearly, [Kristen Stewart] isn’t right for the upbeat, song-happy Disney version of the character, but this movie is going to be dark and gritty.”
Then, it sounds like K-Stew really is the perfect choice. Stay up-to-date on this and other movie news when you follow FilmCrunch on Twitter.
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- cast, casting, fairy tale, gossip, k-stew, kristen stewart, palak patel, remake, remakes, sidefeatured, snow white, snow white and the huntsman, twilight, twitter, universal
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