On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Wednesday September 22, 2010 11:28 am

In Theaters This Weekend: September 24, 2010

Here are a few selections in theaters this weekend:

  • Buried* (R): starring Ryan Reynolds, Robert Paterson, Jose Luis Garcia Perez (directed by Rodrigo Cortés)
  • Enter the Void* (NR): starring Nathaniel Brown, Paz De La Huerta, Cyril Roy (directed by Gaspar Noe)
  • Howl* (NR): starring James Franco, David Strathairn, Jon Hamm (directed by Robert Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman)
  • Like Dandelion Dust* (PG-13): starring Mira Sorvino, Barry Pepper, Kate Levering (directed by Jon Gunn)
  • The Virginity Hit* (R): starring Matthew Bennett, Zack Pearlman, Jacob Davich (directed by Andrew Gurland, Huck Botko)
  • Waiting for Superman* (PG): (directed by Davis Guggenheim)
  • You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger* (PG-13): starring Antonio Banderas, Josh Brolin, Anthony Hopkins (directed by Woody Allen)  **opens on Wednesday**

*limited release



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