Wednesday October 24, 2007 12:35 pm
In Theaters this Weekend (10/26)

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Lionsgate, Sony, Touchstone, Warner Bros, Documentary, Drama, Horror, Independent, Noir, Political, Romance, Comedy, Thrillers, Lists, New Releases,

Here are some possible suggestions for your upcoming weekend:
- Dan in Real Life (PG-13): starring Steve Carell, Juliette Binoche, Dane Cook (directed by Peter Hedges)
- Saw IV (R): starring Shawnee Smith, Tobin Bell, Costas Mandylor (directed by Darren Lynn Bousman)
- Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead* (R): starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, Ethan Hawke, Marisa Tomei (directed by Sidney Lumet)
- Bella* (PG-13): starring Sophie Nyweide, Eduardo Verastegui (directed by Alejandro Gomez Monteverde)
Black Irish* (R): starring Michael Angarano, Brendan Gleeson (directed by Brad Gann)
Man from Plains* (PG-13): starring President Jimmy Carter (directed by Jonathan Demme)
Mr. Untouchable* (R): starring Nicholas Barnes, Thelma Grant (directed by Marc Levin)
The Music Within* (R): starring Ron Livingston, Melissa George (directed by Steven Sawalich)
Rails & Ties* (PG-13): starring Kevin Bacon, Marcia Gay Harden (directed by Alison Eastwood)
*limited or gradual release
- Related Tags:
- alejandro gomez monteverde, alison eastwood, anthony hopkins, before the devil knows you’re dead, before the devil knows youre dead, before the devil knows youre dead, bella, black irish, brad gann, brendan gleeson, costas mandylor, crime, darren lynn bousman, documentary, drama, eduardo verastegui, ethan hawke, in theaters this weekend, jonathan demme, juliette binoche, kevin bacon, man from plains, marc levin, marcia gay harden, marisa tomei, melissa george, michael angarano, mr untouchable, mr. untouchable, new movies, new releases, nicholas barnes, noir, peter hedges, philip seymour hoffman, political, president jimmy carter, rails & ties, rails and ties, ron livingston, saw iv, shawnee smith, sidney lumet, slipstream, sophie nyweide, stella arroyave, steven sawalich, the music within, thelma grant, thriller, tobin bell
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