Wednesday January 23, 2008 7:10 pm
In Theaters This Weekend (1/25)

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: 20th Century Fox, Lionsgate, Paramount, Action, Adventure, Documentary, Independent, Music, Political, Romance, Satire, Comedy, Thrillers, Lists, New Releases,

Here are some possible suggestions for your upcoming weekend:
- Meet the Spartans (PG-13): starring Sean Maguire, Carmen Electra, Ken Davitian (directed by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer)
- Rambo (R): starring Sylvester Stallone, Julie Benz, Matthew Marsden (directed by Sylvester Stallone)
- Untraceable (R): starring Diane Lane, Colin Hanks, Billy Burke (directed by Gregory Hoblit)
The Air I Breathe* (R): starring Kevin Bacon, Julie Delpy, Brendan Fraser (directed by Jieho Lee)
How She Move* (PG-13): starring Rutina Wesley, Dwain Murphy, Tracey Armstrong (directed by Ian Rashid)
*limited and/or gradual release
- Related Tags:
- aaron seltzer, billy burke, brendan fraser, carmen electra, colin hanks, cristina khuly, diane lane, dwain murphy, gregory hoblit, how she move, ian rashid, in theaters this weekend, jason friedberg, jieho lee, julie benz, julie delpy, ken davitian, kevin bacon, maggie alejandre khuly, matthew marsden, meet the spartans, nancy morales, rambo, richard nuccio, rutina wesley, satire, sean maguire, sequel, shoot down, sylvester stallone, the air i breathe, tracey armstrong, untraceable
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