On Gear Live: Circuit Breaker: The Tech Newsletter that Elevates Your Gadget Game

Tuesday August 19, 2008 7:40 pm

In Theaters This Week: August 20, 2008

The Rocker

Once again, theatergoers will have new options to choose from this Wednesday:

  • Death Race (R): starring Jason Statham, Joan Allen, Tyrese Gibson (directed by Paul W.S. Anderson)
  • The House Bunny (PG-13): starring Anna Faris, Colin Hanks, Emma Stone (directed by Fred Wolf)
  • The Longshots (PG): starring Ice Cube, KeKe Palmer (directed by Fred Durst)
  • The Rocker (PG-13): starring Rainn Wilson, Christina Applegate, Jason Sudeikis (directed by Peter Cattaneo)
  • Cirque Du Soleil: Delirium* (NR): starring Cirque du Soleil cast (directed by David Mallet)
  • Cthulhu* (R): starring Jason Cottle, Cara Buono, Tori Spelling (directed by Daniel Gildark)
  • The Errand of Angels* (PG): starring Erin Chambers, Rachel Emmers, Bettina Schwarz (directed by Christian Vuissa)
  • The Fifth Commandment* (R): starring Rick Yune, Keith David, Bokeem Woodbine (directed by Jesse V. Johnson)
  • Hamlet 2* (R): starring Steve Coogan, Catherine Keener, David Arquette (directed by Andrew Fleming)
  • I.O.U.S.A* (PG): starring David M. Walker, Robert Bixby, Alice Rivlin (directed Patrick Creadon)
  • Momma’s Man* (NR): starring Matt Boren, Flo Jacobs, Ken Jacobs, (directed by Azazel Jacobs)
  • Trouble the Water* (NR): starring Kimberly Roberts, Scott Roberts, Brian Nobles (directed by Tia Lessin, Carl Deal)
  • *limited and/or gradual release



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