Wednesday December 17, 2008 6:28 pm
Huge First Week for Dark Knight DVD
Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Warner Bros, Action, Adaptation, Adventure, Sequels, Home Entertainment,
Although you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t already seen The Dark Knight on the big screen, there are many who would still like to watch it at home as well.
In just one week, the Warner Bros. film has set itself up to be the hottest DVD title of the year. The blockbuster earned nearly $1 billion during its first theatrical run and has now sold 13.5 million discs worldwide. The figure includes 1.7 million Blu-ray units - a record number for that format.
The Batman sequel is expected to officially surpass Iron Man - the current #1 seller - within the next week.
Come next month, Dark Knight will be returning to the cineplexes as well.
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