On Gear Live: Circuit Breaker: The Tech Newsletter that Elevates Your Gadget Game

Wednesday June 13, 2007 7:03 pm

Independent Filmmakers Recoup Losses with YouTube

In the ever-changing world of independent film, directors are constantly looking for new ways to market their movies.  While the Internet has long been one of these tools, two filmmakers are taking things to the next level.  Not only are Arin Crumley and Susan Buice putting their entire full-length film, Four Eyed Monsters, on YouTube for all to see, they’ve also found a way to make some money and get out of debt.  For one week, Spout, a place where people can go to talk about movies, will give the pair one dollar for every person who subscribes to their site.  We here at FilmCrunch love the site and believe anyone who likes movies should be a member, but now you also have a chance to monetarily support independent film from the comfort of your couch – I’d call that a win-win.  The donations are already up to $17,500.00, but the goal is substantially higher; check out the video for more info.

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