Tuesday August 7, 2012 11:45 pm
David Hasselhoff Could Have Been Indiana Jones, Superman
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Paramount, Action, Adventure, Classics, Casting, Celebrity Gossip,
David Hasselhoff was considered for the role of Indiana Jones.
The former Baywatch star claims he narrowly missed out on one of the most coveted parts in Hollywood history, but he isn't bitter that Harrison Ford got to play the daredevil archaeologist because he accepts that life has its ups and downs: "I'm the guy who was up for everything: James Bond and Superman. I met with Spielberg for Indiana Jones. I tell the kids that life isn't fair. Don't assume that somebody is really your friend or that you're going to do another year of Britain's Got Talent. Once you assume that, s**t happens, it's really f***ing easy to move on."
David, 60, has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years, and was honored when "Baby" singer Justin Bieber said he wanted to wear a T-shirt with his name on it to an awards show. "He wanted to wear a T-shirt that said 'I'm with The Hoff' at the MTV Awards. Can you believe that? I got Bieber fever ... it means I'm current with the kids. It means I'm hip," he told The Daily Telegraph.
- Related Tags:
- cast, casting, david hasselhoff, indiana jones, james bond, superman
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