Thursday July 22, 2010 11:03 pm
Cinema Scene: Joss Whedon Helms Avengers, Del Toro’s Haunted Mansion
Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Disney, Lionsgate, Paramount, Action, Adaptation, Adventure, Drama, Horror, Remakes, Comedy, Thrillers, Distribution, Filmmaking, Rumors, Upcoming Releases,
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer‘s Joss Whedon officially announced at Comic-Con that he will be directing The Avengers. The superhero film is scheduled for a May 4, 2012 release.
-According to Will Arnett and show creator Mitch Hurwitz, the Arrested Development movie is still going to happen. I guess I’ll believe it when I see it?
-Lionsgate finally blinked. Saw 3D, originally scheduled to debut on Oct. 22, has been pushed to Oct. 29 - one week after Paranormal Activity 2 premieres.
-A Hobbit-less Guillermo del Toro is focusing on his next project. He is now planning to produce, write and possibly direct a scary version of Disney’s The Haunted Mansion.
-Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan, starring Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis, has been chosen to open the 67th Venice Film Festival. The festival opens September 1.
- Related Tags:
- 67th venice film festival, adaptations, arrested development, avengers, black swan, cinema scene, comic con, comic con 2010, comic-con, comic-con 2010, darren arnofsky, guillermo del toro, haunted mansion, joss whedon, lionsgate, mila kunis, mitch hurwitz, natalie portman, paranormal activity, paranormal activity 2, release dates, remakes, saw 3-d, saw 3d, sequel, sequels, the avengers, the haunted mansion, venice film festival, will arnett
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