On Gear Live: Apple’s $400,000,000 Secret to Saving the Planet

Monday April 16, 2007 10:16 pm

Box Office Breakdown:  Oscar Winners Fail to Prevail

Perfect Stranger

DISTURBIA [di-stur’-bee-uh), noun:
A rare state that occurs when three previous Oscar winners (e.g. Berry, Swank, Tarantino) struggle to remain in the Top Ten.  This anomaly often coincides with the meteoric rise of a 20-year-old star (e.g. Lebeouf).

1. Disturbia, Paramount, $22,224,982
2. Blades of Glory, Paramount, $13,826,386
3. Meet the Robinsons, Disney, $12,467,155
4. Perfect Stranger, Sony, $11,206,163
5. Are We Done Yet?, Sony, $8,952,686
6. Pathfinder, Fox, $5,001,214
7. Wild Hogs, Disney, $4,676,734
8. The Reaping, Warner Bros., $4,567,478
9. 300, Warner Bros., $4,454,355
10. Grindhouse, Weinstein Co., $4,331,372



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