Saturday November 3, 2012 1:44 am
Amanda Seyfried’s Icy Sex Scene
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Biopics, Drama, Period, Celebrity Gossip, Filmmaking, Upcoming Releases,
Amanda Seyfried used a popsicle when pretending to give Peter Sarsgaard oral sex.
The blonde actress had to film the raunchy scenes with the actor in movie Lovelace - a biopic of infamous porn actress Linda Lovelace - and in order to make the sexual acts look convincing, she decided to use the icy treat as a prop.
"We were doing a sex scene where I was supposed to be going down on Peter Sarsgaard. We used a popsicle, and I had my arms covering the popsicle. It was footage that he was going to show the Deep Throat guy, to get her into the movie, to get her cast. I was laughing hysterically throughout. I couldn't stop laughing."
Amanda also says she's become more realistic as her career goes on as she knows Hollywood is a tough place to work in. Speaking about her first big movie, Mean Girls, she told Vanity Fair, "Back then I thought every movie that was made found an audience and things were all stars and butterflies, before I developed a relationship with this world."
- Related Tags:
- amanda seyfried, linda lovelace, lovelace, peter sarsgaard, porn stars, sex scenes
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