Friday November 16, 2007 10:29 am
Lance Armstrong Denies Ashley Olsen Romance
Despite the reported sightings and Hollywood gossip, Lance Armstrong says there is no romance between him and Ashley Olsen, one-half of the famed Olsen twins.
Paparazzi have spotted the pair out and about many times, but Armstrong says this is just a May-December friendship, not a romance. Armstrong is 15 years Olsen’s senior, and says that while they have “hung out,” it was as part of a group. The rumor mill has recently reported that Olsen and Armstrong were seen together at a bar, and Ashley was on his lap. Now, that’s pretty friendly. Another report said the pair was making out.
AOL News
- Related Tags:
- ashley olsen, friends, gossip, lance armstrong, may-december, olsen twins, romance, rumors
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