Monday August 18, 2008 6:44 pm
Hannah Montana’s Deleted Jonas Brothers Clip
Given the insane popularity of the Jonas Brothers, it’s hard to imagine that the trio would be cut out of anything at this point. But in this year’s Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour, fans were left without one of the boy band’s numbers.
In the snippet below, you can see a short clip of the brothers performing “SOS.” The performance will be included on the movie’s DVD, which is being released tomorrow.
BTW - Am I the only one wondering if Joe Jonas was stuck in that half-split? Or he did he intend to take it (really) slow while getting back up?
- Related Tags:
- best of both worlds, best of both worlds concert tour, bonus features, concert tour, deleted scene, deleted scenes, dvd, dvds, hannah montana, hannah montana & miley cyrus best of both worlds concert tour, hannah montana & miley cyrus: best of both worlds concert tour, hannah montana and miley cyrus best of both worlds concert tour, hannah montana miley cyrus best of both worlds concert tour, hannah montana/miley cyrus: best of both worlds concert tour, joe jonas, jonas brothers, kevin jonas, miley cyrus, nick jonas, sos, the jonas brothers
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