Sunday June 17, 2007 5:24 pm
DVD REVIEW: Trading Places: Special Collector’s Edition

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Paramount, Classics, Comedy, New Releases, DVD Reviews,
Last week, I was faced with a very difficult decision: Could I find a new DVD to review other than Norbit? The pickings were very slim, so I ultimately chose to make a compromise. Rather than endure a painful Eddie Murphy exhibition, I elected to watch him at his best—- in the new Trading Places (Special Collector’s Edition).
Not only did I reacquaint myself with a comedy that has remained fresh since its 1983 debut, I had the chance to see extras that were not included in the movie’s initial DVD offering. In fact, most of the footage had not even been seen since the movie was originally released.
A quick synopsis for those who haven’t had the opportunity to see the film even once: Two rich, old businessmen (Mortimer and Randolph Duke) decide to make a bet while testing out the Nature vs. Nurture theory. Could they force their trust-worthy assistant (Dan Akyroyd) into a life of crime by taking away his livelihood….or would his good breeding and skills carry him through? And could they make a street criminal (Eddie Murphy) into a valued employee by giving him a good home and clothes….or would he eventually resort back to his old ways?
Insider Trading: The Making of Trading Places
Lots of great tidbits - including who the Duke characters were based on, those originally considered for the title roles (Gene Wilder/ Richard Pryor), concerns about Dan Akyroyd acting in black face and Jamie Lee Curtis’ inability to do an accent.
Trading Stories
This chapter is comprised of interviews that were taped for a 1983 press junket. Eddie Murphy explains why doing comedic roles is harder than doing drama.
The Deleted Scene
Only one scene to offer in this department. It involves Clarence Beeks stealing the crop report.
Dressing the Part
A pretty unnecessary chapter overall (it’s not like we’ve watch a period-costume drama). But I did find the selection of Eddie Murphy’s red sweatshirt to be an interesting process.
The Trade in Trading Places
Interviews with people who work on Wall Street and how the movie compares to real life. They also try to help explain (to trading novices) how the end of the movie played out.
Industry Promotional Pieces
While the movie was still being made, Dan Akyroyd and Eddie Murphy had to ad-lib a piece to entice theater owners at ShoWest. The footage had been sitting in director John Landis’ garage for about 20 years.
Although Eddie Murphy offered no new interviews for this Collector’s Edition (the most recent conversation with him came from an old NBC interview), the special features are enjoyable enough to whet any fan’s appetite. But then, of course, the hilarity of this wicked movie alone (which is in pristine condition, btw) should earn itself a place in your rental queue.
Director: John Landis
Starring: Eddie Murphy, Dan Akyroyd, Jamie Lee Curtis, Don Ameche, Ralph Bellamy
Running Time: 116 minutes
Rated: R
- Related Tags:
- clarence beeks, dan akyroyd, don ameche, dvd, dvd review, dvd reviews, eddie murphy, gene wilder, jamie lee curtis, john landis, mortimer duke, ralph bellamy, randolph duke, review, reviews, richard pryor, special collector's edition, special collector's edition, special collector's edition, special collector's edition, special collectors edition, trading places, trading spaces special collectors edition
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