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Thursday April 27, 2006 6:20 pm

Session Notes

Posted by Brian Dorsey Categories: Sessions, Announcements,

Judging from the list of session ideas, this is going to be an amazing weekend! With so many good sessions running concurrently, it’s inevitable that we’re going to miss some of the action. However, good notes can help!

I set up a spot in the wiki to index notes from Mind Camp 2.0: MC2 Session Notes. I’d like to encourage everyone to create pages and add notes to any of the sessions they attend.

Also, for all you Mac users out there, give SubEthaEdit a try. The current version is a 30-day trial, but the previous version is still free. SubEthaEdit allows live collaborative note taking in the same document. I’ve seen how great collaborative notes can be, and it’d be great to see some of that for the Mind Camp Sessions! Ted Leung has written a bit about the experience on his blog: SubEthaEdit at PyCon.

Happy note-taking!

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