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Saturday April 29, 2006 3:13 am

Mind Camp 2.0 Box.net File Feed

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Activities, Announcements,

box.netOnce again, the guys over at Box.net have set up a File Feed for us to take advantage of. Basically, this allows everyone to upload anything to a common location. This allows for a few things:

1) Everyone has one location to upload things they think are interesting - pictures taken, podcasts recorded, documents created, whatever. I just ask that we don’t upload video.

2) Anyone can subscribe to the File Feed by RSS by using this URL:


3) Anyone can download whatever is uploaded, even if they aren’t at Mind Camp 2.0. A great way to share with those that couldn’t make it! Here is the URL to view and download items:


If you want to log in to upload items, hit up www.box.net, and use the following details:

username: mindcamp2
password: mind

We whole-heartedly recommend taking advantage of the File Feed. Blog about it, and let others know it’s there. Upload to your hearts content.

Oh, and if you want your own free Box.net account, get one here:


See you all soon!

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