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Essential Mind Camp Info!

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Tuesday October 10, 2006 6:36 pm

200 Tickets Sold for Seattle Mind Camp 3.0

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Upcoming, Announcements,

Yesterday we hit the 200 mark for ticket sales, which leaves us with 50 tickets left for the event, which takes place in just over a month. We are starting to pull things together for the event, and hope to have as many people there to enjoy the festivities as possible. If you are going to be there, please be sure to hit the wiki to get started on planning your sessions and extra-curricular activities. Now is the time to let others know about the event - and be sure to think outside the box when inviting, as we don’t all have to be techies. Think teachers, doctors, historians, videographers, actors, professors, musicians, artists, etc. Let’s mix this thing up and include the elite from all Seattle verticals in this thing.

As a side note, a big thank you to everyone who came to the pre-Mind Camp 3.0 party at Nectar. We had a fantastic time.



i recall that our registration form asked us for session ideas.  are you going to seed the wiki pages for 3.0 with that information?


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