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Nintendo’s press conference is over, and we haven’t received that much information on the Revolution other than that the box the are showing off is a prototype, with the final product expected to be much smaller. Here is all I know:
- Total Backwards Compatibility: Not only will the Revolution play standard Gamecube discs, but its owners will also have downloadable access to 20 years of their favorite Nintendo titles from the NES, SNES, and Nintendo 64 as well.
- The specifications: The system boasts 512 megabytes of internal flash memory, wireless controllers, two USB 2.0 ports and built-in Wi-Fi access. A worldwide network of Nintendo players can gather to compete in a comfortable, inviting environment. Revolution’s technological heart, a processing chip developed with IBM and code-named “Broadway,” and a graphics chip set from ATI code-named “Hollywood,” will deliver game experiences not previously possible.
- SD Card Expansion: A bay for an SD memory card will let players expand the internal flash memory.
- Two disc formats, one slot: Instead of a tray, a single, innovative, self-loading media bay will play both 12-centimeter optical discs used for the new system as well as Nintendo GameCube discs. Owners will have the option of equipping a small, self-contained attachment to play movies and other DVD content.
- Wireless Gaming Network: A number of Wi-Fi-enabled launch titles are in development that will employ Nintendo’s newly announced wireless gaming service, Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection. A worldwide network of Nintendo players can gather to compete in a comfortable, inviting environment.
E3: Mario To Work Overtime In Baseball, Soccer, Party 7, and Dance Dance Revolution!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Nintendo Gamecube, Sports,
Well, Nintendo has announced that Mario will be working overtime on the Gamecube in 2005. We have all heard about Mario Baseball, so that isn’t too much of a surprise. What we didn’t know is that he and his crew will also be starring in a soccer title. You can also look forward to seeing the next version of Mario Party, which will feature simultaneous 8-player support. Not bad. The biggest news as far as Mario is concerned, though, is that Nintendo will be bringing us Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Edition. I can definitely feel that.
PlayFeed Giveaway: Xbox 360 Limited Edition Faceplate

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements, Features, Xbox 360,
You want a piece of the action - admit it. As always, we have your hook up. At Microsoft’s press conference, they gave out these Limited Edition Xbox 360 customized faceplates - only 5000 have been manufactured. Here is your chance to own one. Just reply to this post letting us know which Xbox 360 game you are most interested in and why. Answers that just name a game along with an explanation like “Because it looks cool!” or “I love that series” need not apply. We want some well thought out answers here. Those that comply will be put into a random drawing, and will win this rare collector’s item in a matter of two weeks. It is 1871 out of 5000. This, as always, is open to US residents only. We have a close-up image of the customized area after the jump.
Click to continue reading PlayFeed Giveaway: Xbox 360 Limited Edition Faceplate
Sony plans to launch their next generation console in the spring of 2006 – be it in the US, Japan or Europe is unknown at this point. However, details on what powers the Playstation 3 are now available courtesy of Kotaku. Check out the full details after the jump.
Click to continue reading Detailed PS3 Information
So you’ve seen the new console and have seen what powers this next generation console; so what can we expect to be playing on it? Big ups to Gaming Horizon for putting a list of games together based on the demonstration on Monday’s conference. Many are titles we were already expecting (Metal Gear Solid for example), but others are unknown at this point. We’ll have some actual screenshots for you to drool over soon enough.
- Fight Night 3 (EA)
- Final Fantasy 12 (Square Enix)
- Metal Gear Solid 4 (Konami)
- Devil May Cry 4 (Capcom)
- Formula 1 (Liverpool)
- Tekken (Namco)
- Gundam (Bandai)
- Untitled sequel to Red Dead Revolver? (Rockstar)
- Killzone (SCEA)
- Vision Gran Turismo - GT5 (Polyphony Digital)
- I-8 (Insomniac)
- NioH (KOEI)
- Eyedentify (SCEJ)
- Fifth Phantom Saga (Sega)
- Heavenly Sword (Ninja Theory)
- Warhawk (Incognito)
- Killing Day (UbiSoft)
- Motostorm (Evolution Studios)
Read More | Gaming Horizon
Sony’s new console looks a lot like the complete opposite to Microsoft’s Xbox 360. While the new Xbox will remind you of an inhale, Sony’s Playstation resembles an exhale. Earlier it seemed as though Sony was going for the small and sleek look with the release of the redesigned Playstation and their slick PSP; now it seems as though they just tried to jam all that power into a case and worry about looks later. Oh well, the games do look amazing. At least we’re not disappointed with the insides! Check out the rest of the images after the jump.
Click to continue reading More Playstation 3 Images
With E3 about to start the Press Conferences have already begun. Tonight, Sony and Microsoft make their announcements with details about their systems. Above is the first picture of the Sony PS3 for the Public. If you check out the writing on the system it looks a lot like the text from the “Spiderman” movies. The system is really slick! At the moment Andru is out in LA at the Microsoft Press conference and I’ll be out in LA to join him for the rest of the fun tomorrow. We will be giving you the run down on everything as soon as possible! To check out the specs on the PS3 read more.
Read More | I4U Update
PlayFeed’s E3 2005 Coverage

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements, Nintendo Gamecube, PC, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Portable/Mobile, Wii, Xbox 360,
Alright guys, we are excited to be at E3 this year, and we plan to make the best of it by hooking you up with a bunch of content straight from the show floor. If you want to know what is happening at E3, be sure to keep PlayFeed bookmarked. Here are some of the features you can expect from us over the next few days:
- Live E3 Moblog: Our editors will have their camera phones snapping images of the coolest sights at the show. Games, cool booths, hot booth babes…all updated in real time. Wanna check it out? The moblog can be seen here.
- On location video coverage of the event. We will even optimize it so that you can download it straight to your PSP or mobile video device.
- Podcast interviews with tons of influential people in the industry, including a couple of surprises. Be sure to subscribe to the Gear Live Podcast feed. We will be putting up a lot of exclusive audio content over the next few days.
- Coverage of the big three press briefings, along with interviews with Microsoft executives and an exclusive look at the Xbox 360 games.
- A phone number will be posted which you can use to give us a call to tell us what you would like to see covered.
- A lot more that we don’t want to give away just yet!
Seriously, we are stoked to be at E3 this year. We plan to bring you all a nice representation of the whole E3 experience.
Rumors have been circulating that Sony and Apple are working together to tie in iTunes and the ever popular iPod into Sony’s next Playstation. The alleged plans are for users to be able to play their music on their iPods through the PS3, and even including the ability to integrate iTunes into the GUI so that PS3 owners may purchase and download music from the store and transfer it to their iPods - all without needing a personal computer. The next generation of gaming is gonna be an all out war - we will all be the winners.
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Xbox 360 Press Release Continues The Hype

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Corporate News, Xbox 360,
Microsoft has finally released an official press release to hype their X360. The company keeps referring to a “new era in entertainment”; stating that their new console will completely change gaming in general. Will the next Xbox really usher in a new era in gaming? Only time can tell, however, the answer lies in the software we’ll soon see.
Click to continue reading Xbox 360 Press Release Continues The Hype
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