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Megatouch Gametime

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Internet, PC, Sports, Strategy, Wireless,
Gaming isn’t all about Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony. Take the Megatouch Gametime for instance. This all-in-one touchscreen gaming machine seems that it would have everything going for it, aiming for the extremely casual gamer who might want a cool piece of technology in their game room. It has over 80 games built in to its frame, ranging from Strategy, Quiz & Word, Sports, Puzzles and Kid’s Club genres. It connects to the Internet either through an ethernet connection, or a wireless adapter. You can participate in online tournaments, or just have your scores put up on the network leaderboard. You can even play games in 11 different languages, and surf the net on the unit as well. Where is its downside? Aside from the casual appeal of its games, this retails at almost $3,800 USD. Ouch.
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Heretic Homebrew for the DS

Posted by Sparky Categories: First Person Shooters, Mods/Hacks, Portable/Mobile,
The Nintendo DS homebrew market is starting to heat up and some brilliant hackers over at Drunken Coders have managed to port Raven’s 1994 classic FPS Heretic to the DS - they even manage to take advantage of the second screen to display in game maps. I’m not sure how many of you guys have played Heretic but it was easily one of the better games of it’s era - it had great graphics, fun gameplay, and (for the time) a very involving story-line. I know the Nintendo DS lacks some of the “cool factor” that the PSP has, but as more and more cool retro homebrew projects pop up I get more and more tempted to get one - I could spend hours going through Heretic again!
Read More | MaxConsole via Joystiq
Ridge Racer 6 To Be On Xbox Live

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Driving, Internet, Xbox 360,
For the first time ever, the Ridge Racer franchise will be playable online when Ridge Racer 6 hits store shelves at the launch of Xbox 360:
“Ridge Racer 6” takes the celebrated racing series online for the first time with Worldwide Online Multiplayer Battles through Xbox Live. Utilizing a Worldwide Player Matching system, players can match up against drivers from around the world in intense head-to-head drift racing match ups. Players can also upload their personal records from the game’s Time Attack mode to see how they stack up against the rest of the world in a persistent Leader Board and download ghost data to virtually race against friends or test their skills against the best in the world. To complement the online “Ridge Racer 6” community, new game content such as new cars will periodically be made available for download from the Xbox Live Marketplace.
Nice to see the Xbox Live Marketplace features being talked about in advance. Through micro-transactions, gamers will be able to purchase a new car or track. Call me a pessimist, but I am just a tad leery of how these things will be priced. Any predictions?
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Google Maps Powers Nintendo DS GPS Hack
Posted by Alex Grahmann Categories: Mods/Hacks, Portable/Mobile,
A devoted Nintendo DS hacker, Alexei Karpenko, has managed to rig up a Lassen iQ module to the handheld system, transforming the top screen into a GPS system. Downloading information from Google Maps, the FrankenDS also requires use of the Game Boy Movie Player and a Compact Flash card to hold the necessary data. While portability issues may keep my colleague Edwin from using this in court anytime soon, the GPS interface is just one of Karpenko’s innovative uses for his homemade DS serial connector, the PassMe.
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The biggest surprise out of this lineup is a Ridge Racer game straight for launch. This game was scheduled for a much later 2006 release. I wonder if the game is ahead of schedule or if this is a rush job on Namco’s part. For a full list of 2005 Namco games on all platforms, click below.
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Sony Still Considering Apple OS for PS3?
Posted by Alex Grahmann Categories: Corporate News, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,
An article on the UK’s Sony website mentions the fact that although the jury is still out on what OS the upcoming PS3 will use, the Cell Processor is powerful enough to handle either a Linux-based environment or “Apple’s Tiger.” The article’s mention of Apple’s OS X has only fueled the fire of fans dying to see Apple strike a partnership with Sony, solidifying an iconic and powerful team to go up against Microsoft’s Xbox 360. Whether or not the Apple OS is the right fit for Sony is yet to be seen, but I’m certainly interested in seeing Apple and Microsoft have yet another arena in which to duke it out.
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X-OOM Movies on PSP Now Shipping

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Mods/Hacks, Portable/Mobile,
There’s many ways to transfer movies to your PSP, but there’s not many pieces of software that do it with ease. X-OOM Movies on PSP seeks to provide consumers with the ability to transfer the movies they have in their PC’s hard drive or on DVD to the PSP with minimal effort. All you have to do is choose the movie or DVD, choose the size you want and click start. After the whole process is done, the movie file is on the memory stick of your PSP and ready to go wherever you go. You can pick up a copy for $29.99 or download the trial from the website. Be on the lookout for our review soon.
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Analyst Imagines Scenario for PS3 Launch in 2007
Posted by Alex Grahmann Categories: Corporate News, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,
In a recent memo, an analyst with Wedbush Morgan Securities, Michael Pachter, has taken a look a the upcoming next-generation console wars, the vitality of the current generation, and rumored plans to fiddle with console prices as a sign that Sony might want to wait until 2007 to launch the PS3. Much of the theory hinges on how effective a drop in the price of the PS2 to $99 would be in offsetting the success of the Xbox 360 launch. If the sales of the Xbox 360 are somehow diminished by this price maneuvering, Sony may be wiser to hold of the release of its next-gen console until it has reaped the weakened Xbox’s benefits. However, if the Xbox does hit in a powerful way, Pachter recommends a retaliation in the form of the PS3 coming as quickly as Sony can manage it. Following this line of thinking, and although it may seem counterintuitive, fans interested in seeing the PS3 enter the market as soon as possible should hope for an extremely strong Xbox 360 launch.
Read More | Gamespot
Sony Could Use 2x Blu-Ray for PS3
Posted by Alex Grahmann Categories: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,
Although no official word has come from Sony in either direction, it has become clear that it will be possible for the next-generation Playstation to come packaged with a 2x Blu-ray drive rather than a 1x, as was previously expected. With the target release date of the PS3 being the spring of 2006, there may be plenty of time for Sony to integrate a 2x drive, which will become available in the late fall of this year. With Sony backing the Blu-ray over either the now-standard DVD (which Microsoft plans to use for Xbox 360) or the upcoming HD-DVD, it seems to fit their PS3 mantra to use the most cutting-edge technology at launch. In fact, it could be seen as a very weak move to release the PS3 with a 1x drive, when drives at least twice as fast will be available.
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More Additions To PS2’s Greatest Hits Line Up

Posted by Jesse Easley Categories: Accessories, Action, PlayStation 2,
Every year as games get older the prices drop, some even fall into the vendor determined, “Greatest Hits” category. Coming August 23rd, Sony will be adding 7 new games to this line up which will cost $19.99 each.
- ATV Offroad Fury 3
- Hot Shots Golf Fore
- Jak 3
- KillZone
- Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal
- Sly 2: Band of Thieves
- Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain
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