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PlayStation Move engineer slams Kinect Star Wars

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Casual, Microsoft, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,
One of the software engineers for Sony’s PlayStation Move, Anton Mikhailov, soke with EuroGamer on the topic of Kinect’s upcoming Star Wars game. "There's no way Kinect can do a good light saber game. Just never,” said Mikhailov.
Mikhailov then went on to brag about how a Move-compatible Star Wars game would be “damn better than Kinect’s,” even though no such game for Move has been announced.
“Technologically it's 100 per cent feasible,” continued Mikhailov on the subject of a Move Star Wars game. "We can overlay objects over the controller in AR. You've seen that in Start the Party, and swords are a really popular one. The fidelity is certainly there to do all sorts of Star Wars kid-style action. You can very well do the light saber."
As if comparing a game in development to a theoretical game wasn’t bold enough, Mikhailov then questioned the integrity of the Kinect Star Wars demo: "I've seen the demo but it's so scripted, and wasn't it like, faked?”
Kinect’s outspoken guru Kudo Tsunoda was reportedly last seen lobbying Nintendo for the right to make the Move-Kinect rivalry “on like Donkey Kong”.
Read More | Eurogamer
Do More With Less: We’re giving away an HTC HD7 Windows Phone 7 smartphone!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smartphones, Features, Handhelds, Microsoft,
We're giving away an HTC HD7 Windows Phone 7 device to one of you guys here in our "Doing More with Less" giveaway! Not too familiar with WP7? Be sure to check out our Windows Phone 7 review, and read on for the details on how to enter.
Over the past three years, we've seen smartphones shrink in size while gaining a ton of functionality. In fact, it's hard to imagine ever using the bulky QWERTY sliders that were just about as thick as the original Game Boy. With the iPhone, Android devices, thinner BlackBerrys, and now WIndows Phone 7 devices jumping into the fray, we've truly got a situation where we are able to do way more than we'd ever dreamed we could do with a mobile phone, in a device that is so small that it comfortably fits in our pocket while the manufacturers tout how thin they are. Speaking of doing more with less, did you know that the smartphone in your pocket has more technology in it than the first rocket that went to outer space?
Now we want to hear from you--hit the comments and give us some examples where you can do more with less. It can be technology-related, or not. We will be picking a random winner based on the comments received. Here are the official rules:
- How to enter: Just leave a comment on this article, focusing on "Doing More with Less". You can leave one comment per day until the giveaway’s close. Each comment must be substantially different than the previous.
- Timeframe: The contest ends on November 29th, 2010. At this time comments will be closed on this post and a winner chosen with
- Eligibility: The contest is open to US residents only who are at least 18 years old at the time of entry.
- Prize: The one winner will receive the HTC HD7, a T-Mobile Windows Phone 7 device that's an approximate retail value of $500.
This giveaway is brought to you by the new Windows Phone 7. Learn more about Windows Phone online and see it in person at local T-Mobile stores today.
Grab the DJ Hero 2 Tiesto Mix Pack for free

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Music, PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Marketplace,
All you DJ Hero 2 lovers out there, we've just come across a free mix pack that you can get right now for a limited time! Just click on the image above, or the link below, to head over to the My Coke Rewards page. Sign up, and you'll be able to choose the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, or Wii version of the Tiesto mix pack, which features three full tracks for you to jam to.
Read More | DJ Hero 2 Tiesto Mix Pack
Gran Turismo 5 installation takes 50 minutes and uses 10GB

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Driving, PlayStation 3,
As if Gran Turismo 5 didn't take enough time in development, it seems the popular racing franchise is set on stealing more time - yours. And it is going to get it one way or another.
Note that this installation is optional, and you may still do the basic 256 MB basic installation if you don't have space to spare. But if you do this, then expect to wait longer at loading screens every time you play.
Or you can suck it up and wait the hour and use the 10 GB of space. In the long run you'll probably end up saving yourself time by doing this.
Internet forum scrounger Amar212 received a PAL version of the game and reported that the installation warned that "install of game data can take up to 50 minutes." According to him, it took 40 minutes and used up 6.4 gigabytes, but learned that GT5 continued to unpack itself during playtime and took up even more space.
Read More | Kotaku via Operation Sports
Kinect for Xbox 360 Interactive Art Installation by Seeper

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Culture, Microsoft, Xbox 360,
Check out the video above which features further info on the Kinect Munich art installation used by a company called Seeper at the launch of the Xbox 360 motion sensor. Get a look at how Seeper put together the large-scale interactive motion control art at the Stachus gate. Nice tie-in to the Kinect product, for sure.
OnLive Microconsole ships December 2nd

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Corporate News, Hardware,
The future of video games isn't in your home at all, it's in the clouds. At least that's what OnLive wants you to believe. The service actually launched over the summer with a little over 20 games, allowing gamers to stream full blown video games straight from their PC or Mac. As of now, OnLive offers about 40 games, but with the promise of more to come, specifically 100 more by the end of 2011. Speaking of more to come, OnLive is toying with the prospect of potential services like Netflix, an app store in the vein of Apple's, and 3D gaming capabilities. Also, the system currently only supports stereo audio over a 3.5mm minijack, optical S/PDIF or HDMI, but 5.1 sound is promised soon. The OnLive service works by large servers that do all of the power processing from far away, and sending rendered compressed images to your Microconsole which then upscales the images up to 1080p by way of a custom SOC. The result is an image rendered over 60fps over HDMI 1.3.
Click to continue reading OnLive Microconsole ships December 2nd
Read More | Engadget
VUDU coming to Playstation 3 on November 23

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network,
As if having Sony's own Video Marketplace, Netflix, and Hulu to satisfy the film cravings of PS3 owners wasn't enough, Sony is now adding a fourth movie service with VUDU.
Basically, VUDU is a video marketplace that allows rentals and purchases of movies through streaming. This is something that the other services on the system don't do, as it is the only one that allows you to purchase movies without downloading them, but it's not a big leap either.
Rentals will cost about $2 for SD, while HD is a higher $4-6--those $6 rentals get you the HDX 1080p streaming content, which looks fantastic. Signing up with the VUDU service will earn you a $6 credit as well.
VUDU is only available in the US.
Read More | Kotaku
Gears of War on Kinect?

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Rumors, Third Person Shooters, Xbox 360,
A pretty decent sized portion (read "all") of the hardcore market has been hesitant to pick up a Kinect for their Xbox 360, worried that Kinect's main use is solely geared to the casual crowd. Y'know - workout games, shallow kiddie games, and, wait, the entire Kinect line-up is comprised of these types of games? Well, maybe they do have a point there, but perhaps not for long. Many Xbox gamers (yours truly included) have been searching for a real reason to purchase a Kinect aside from the voice recognition and hand gesturing menu fun. Well, Microsoft is apparently going to be using Spike TV's Video Game Awards to intro some big action games for Kinect, with Gears of War rumored to be headlining the bunch.
Now, mind you this is just a rumor, so don't go breaking your piggy banks just yet. Also, it is not clear whether or not (if there is even a GoW game) this Gears of War title will be the third in the series, a current GoW reworked with Kinect controls, or a special Kinect GoW version.
Still, it's hard not to get excited over the possibilities of a Kinect GoW, and speculate on just how it would work. Would you be willing to play GoW on Kinect? Do you even think it's possible to pull off well? Let us know!
Read More | IGN
Ghost Recon and Driver delayed

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Action, Driving, PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,
It seems like both Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier and Driver: San Francisco have caught the same perpetually delaying bug that plagues Gran Turismo 5, as both titles have been pushed back to the 2011 fiscal year in April.
Both games were on track to ship in the fourth quarter of Ubisoft's 2010 fiscal year, which is between January and March.
No word on why the two anticipated games have been delayed, but if it keeps up then Ghost Recon Future Soldier will be able to live up to its title.
Read More | IGN
Microsoft sells a million Kinect units in ten days

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Microsoft, Xbox 360,
Microsoft's original lofty claim to sell five million Kinect systems before the year's end isn't looking so far fetched after just ten days. Since its release Kinect has found it's way into the homes of a million happy (and possibly not so happy) customers. As of now, the Playstation Move is somewhere around the 3 million mark worldwide. However, Move was released over a month before Kinect, and those figures represent units shipped, not sold.
We'll have to wait until the holidays are over to find out whose winning the motion control war. But with Kinect's insane amount of funding and mainstream infiltration, PS Move may just have to move (see what I did there?) out of the way. And let's not forget that there's still a little console called the Wii that we've forgotten in all the hype and hoopla. Hit the jump for Microsoft's obligatory braggadocios press release.
Click to continue reading Microsoft sells a million Kinect units in ten days
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