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More Hot Coffee Scandal

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Action, Mods/Hacks, PC, PlayStation 2,
Remember when Hot Coffee was something you drank to wake up? Now it’s the latest controversy sparked from Rockstar’s latest Grand Theft Auto game, San Andreas. Many people are calling for regulation and are crying in outrage for scenes they claim as pornographic – while you can see more action on cable TV. Recently Rockstar has denied that the mini-game is “locked” in the original game – stating that the hackers went to great lengths so as to generate this mini-game. Now that claim has been challenged with the release of the “Hot Coffee” cheat for the PS2 version of the game. This would mean that the mini game code was in fact coded by Rockstar and “locked” – in the form of an easter egg. Tor Thorsen from Gamespot set out to do some investigative reporting to find out if indeed this cheat existed for the PS2 original version of the game. After many long hours doing all the cheat code entering, putting in the manual work of the dating missions, he was finally able to experience the mini game on the PS2. His findings pose some interesting questions: why is Rockstar lying? Who really put in this mini game in GTA: SA? Why are activists having a frenzy about this while public television gets away with much more explicit images for virtually no work at all?
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Take A Stand Against Cheating

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Features, Internet, Mods/Hacks, Xbox,
Cheating and mods on multiplayer online enabled games are nothing new to the PC realm of online gaming; however, they are not one in the same to Xbox Live. When playing online multiplayer games on the PC, a host acts as a moderator to the games and is able to kick out anyone he or she sees that are cheating or using a mods in such a way as to give them an advantage over the rest of the players. Xbox Live, however, does not work in that fashion – that luxury is only limited to custom game types. Xbox Live’s, or XBL for short, greatest strength is also its greatest downfall when it comes to cheating and mod use.
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The official site of the first next generation gaming console to hit the store shelves has been updated and includes new videos and content. One of those videos worth noting is a commercial type video where a variety of people start visiting a guy after he turns his Xbox 360 on. The song in the background shouts, “Come on everybody!” as more and more people enter the room appearing to be from all over the world. Could this be the catch phrase that replaces the current “It’s good to play together”? Also something very cool on the site is the ability for you to “preview” the media guide. We have read all about this media experience, but to actually see it in action is a lot better than reading about it. I for one cannot wait until this box is sitting next to my television.
Read More | Xbox 360 Official Site
Marvel And Microsoft Team Up On MMOG

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Corporate News, Internet, Role Playing Games, Xbox 360,
Microsoft has landed a licensing agreement with Marvel to develop a Massively Multiplayer Online Game using its 5,000 plus characters. Seems that Microsoft really wants to take advantage of the fact that MMOGs are becoming ever so popular with the decreasing price of Broadband connections and community feel of this game type. This will be interesting to see how they incorporate this type of games for the Xbox 360 and just how popular they will be. Check out the full press release after the jump.
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Metroid Prime: Hunters DS Bundle

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: First Person Shooters, Portable/Mobile,
Rumor has it that Nintendo will be offering Metroid Prime: Hunters with purchase of a Nintendo DS shortly after the game is released, giving late-comers the full version of the game rather than just a demo. Similar to the Mario bundle being offered, the Metroid bundle will definitely help sales – especially since it will be available in time for the holidays.
Read More | CheapAssGamer
20 Greatest PS2 RPG’s: Dominated by Squaresoft

Posted by Sparky Categories: PlayStation 2, Role Playing Games,
1Up has posted a great feature on the 20 best RPG’s for the Playstation 2. I was quite pleased to see a couple of my favorites listed on there. I was also pleased to see one of my favorite publishers dominating the pack - Square with Final Fantasy X, X-2, XI, Kingdom of Hearts, and Star Ocean - Till the End of Time. While the sentimental gamer in me misses the good old days of FF 3 for the SNES games like Star Ocean - Till the End of Time keep reminding me what a creative publisher can do with a powerful modern console.
Read More | 1Up’s 20 best PS2 RPG’s
Silent Hill Movie Shots

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Action, PlayStation 2, Role Playing Games,
The movie to one of the scariest games ever made is looking good. Seems they are really trying to replicate a lot of the scenery that fans of the game are accustomed to. This is a nice change from the movies that are loosely based on the games content that they are trying to recreate. It will be interesting indeed to see how this one turns out. Check out the pictures from the Photobucket album.
Read More | Silent Hill Movie Photo Album
Burnout: Revenge Screenshots

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Driving, PlayStation 2, Xbox,
Burnout is one of those games that is just plain fun to play - and keep playing. Its stylized destruction-centric gameplay approach is always a blast – even if you only play it to cause the AI’s cars to crumble into pieces. Burnout: Revenge is the sequel many people are waiting for which will be released later this year for the PS2 and the Xbox. GamePlayMonthly has some nice screenshots of both versions that are looking mighty promising.
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Colecovision lovers rejoice, finally someone understands the joy of trying to beat Cabbage Patch Kids (psssst… there’s no end). ThinkGeek does it again with it’s unique Encyclopedia of Game.Machines. The book contains images and anecdotes that should satisfy the retro gamer as well as the current enthusiast, covering consoles, computers, and handhelds. Now, if only someone could understand why I liked the Sega 32X add-on for Genesis. That will forever remain a mystery.
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True Crime: Streets of NY
Posted by Edwin Soto Categories: Action, Nintendo Gamecube, PlayStation 2, Xbox,
Activision has announced that the sequel to the popular game “True Crime: Streets of LA” is to be followed up in the Big Apple. As a matter of fact, they claim that the streets of Manhattan will be more accurate than any game ever made. To add to the realism, they will even program more Asians in Chinatown, tourists in Times Square, and more. As a resident of New York City, I hope they don’t forget to put street entertainers and people handing out flyers on busy streets. What they can leave out: rush hour traffic.
Read More | GameDAILY
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