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Will the next Xbox require game installs, killing used games for good?

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Hardware, Microsoft, Rumors, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,
The big rumor on the street about the next Xbox is that Microsoft will block used games from working with the console. Reports from sources have hit various news outlets saying that the new Xbox, which should launch later this year, will require mandatory game installs to the hard drive of the console, and will require an activation code in order to get them to play. Once the code is used, that game is activated for that console specifically (or, maybe, that specific Gamertag,) and won't work on other consoles, effectively killing the used game market.
Click to continue reading Will the next Xbox require game installs, killing used games for good?
Read More | MCV India
Giveaway: Win a pair of UFC Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey’s favorite headphones!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements, Features, Music, Portable Audio / Video,
Three nights ago, Ronda Rousey used her signature armbar to become the first UFC Women's Champion--but did you notice her headphones? The Ronda Rousey headphones were mentioned time and again on Twitter and other social media channels, and if you've paid any attention to Gear Live and our CES coverage, you probably can guess what they were. In fact, if you can, you may just walk away with a pair of your own...and we've made it super-easy, as you can tell.
Here's a hint: They're Monster branded, and Rousey's win was truly INSPIRATIONal. We can't make it easier than that.
That's right! All you need to do is let us know the brand and model of the headphones. If you get it right, you are entered to win one of three pairs that we are giving away! Here's how you enter--simply use the widget below to keep track of your entries! We've got a lot of ways for you to enter, but don't check off any that you don't actually perform. If you do, you'll be eliminated. If you choose to tweet, include the headphone brand and name. If you choose to follow us on YouTube, leave a comment there with the same. Or leave a comment right here on this Gear Live post. Or do all of the above. You get multiple entries. On to the widget:
Jimmy Fallon gets first Playstation 4 hands-on [Video!]

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: First Person Shooters, PlayStation 4, Sony,
Jimmy Fallon was the first to go be able to actually play the Playstation 4, live on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Fallon got first impressions of the DualShock 4 controller that includes the touchpad and share button functionality, and got to play some Killzone: Shadow Fall with Hermen Hulst, Managing Director of Guerilla Games. As you can see, neither Jimmy, nor guest Anthony Anderson, were that impressive, but they make up for it with some laughs.
Sony introduced the world to the Playstation 4 the other day, but didn't allow anyone to go hands-on with the console. Instead, we were treated to a bunch of video packages and demos showing just how great everything would be. Heck, Sony didn't even show the actual console itself, citing that it's "just a box" and in the grand scheme of things, isn't as important as the experience itself.
Check out the video below for a look at the segment.
Click to continue reading Jimmy Fallon gets first Playstation 4 hands-on [Video!]
Nintendo Wii U ZombiU bundle drops February 17 for $390

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Hardware, Nintendo, Survival Horror, Wii U,
Nintendo has announced its first Wii U console bundle in the ZombiU Deluxe Set. In the box you'll find the black deluxe Wii U, black Wii U Pro controller, the ZombiU game disc, and even a collectible booklet that showcases artwork from the game alongside developer commentary. Nintendo Land is still a part of the deal as well, except in the ZombiU set you get a code to download the title instead of a hard copy on disc. Expect to see this set on store shelves in the US and Canada on February 17 for $389.99.
PlayStation 4 reportedly introduces ‘new styles of play’

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: PlayStation 4, Rumors, Sony,
While Sony Computer Entertainment is readying its unveil of the PlayStation 4 on February 20, we'll have to take what we can get in the meantime. This little kernel of information, however, might say a lot about what to expect (and not expect) on the 20th.
According to an anonymous SCE official, the PS4 will try its hand at becoming more of a home entertainment hub than ever before, and that its main selling point will be its new styles of play. It seems Sony might be taking a cue from Nintendo, focusing on outside-the-box innovation, rather than just internal hardware specs.
As a home entertainment "nerve center," the PS4 will emphasize the ability to connect and share with mobile devices, perhaps through cloud-based gaming. The console is reportedly going to release by the end of the year.
Read More | Edge
How to hack Wii U GamePad to work as PC controller [Video]

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Mods/Hacks, Nintendo, PC, Wii U,
The Wii U is in line for its time in the hacker spotlight, with the Wii U GamePad hacked to work as a simple PC controller. The modder, Chris Manning, learned the GamePad's input by connecting the Wii U browser to a site running a custom script. He was then able to map the GamePad inputs to keyboard functions. While it doesn't support touch screen at the moment, Manning told Kotaku that he plans to integrate it in a future update, as well as attempt to crack GamePad streaming. Check out the video below to see how it works, and then grab the files to perform the mod yourself.
Read More | Kotaku
Valentine’s Day Giveaway: Red Nokia Lumia 920

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements, Smartphones, Features, Microsoft,
Yes - we're giving away a Nokia Lumia 920 smartphone, running Windows Phone 8 for Valentine's Day! Seriously, February is the month of red, and we've got the perfect smartphone for you to match. The Noka Lumia 920 runs on the AT&T network, and supports LTE.
So, how do you enter to win the Nokia Lumia 920? Simply use the widget below to keep track of your entries! We've got a lot of ways for you to enter, but don't check off any that you don't actually perform. If you do, you'll be eliminated:
By the way, if you wanna pick up a Lumia 920 on your own, AT&T is currently running a buy 1, get 1 special, meaning you walk away with two Lumia 920 devices for the price of one through February 21st.
Sony will unleash the PlayStation 4 on February 20

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Corporate News, PlayStation 4, Sony,
Sony is set to reveal the PlayStation 4 in less than three weeks, on February 20th. According to The Wall Street Journal, not only will we get a look at the PS4 and a rundown of all the new features, which include "more social gaming aspects" and "changes in how users interact with the machine," but gamers can expect to be able to pick up the new PlayStation later this year.
As for the console itself, not much is known--what we do know is that it will likely be powered by an AMD CPU and GPU, which could prove difficult for PS3 backwards compatibility, since the PS3 is powered by Sony's Cell processor. Additionally, although Sony considered shipping the PlayStation 4 without an optical drive, the Blu-ray drive will still be present, because the company believes that games are too big, and broadband not yet fast enough, to rely on hard drive storage and digital downloads.
We'll have all the info for you on the 20th!
Read More | WSJ
Disney Infinity to be unveiled January 15 by Disney and Pixar

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Casual, Corporate News, Portable/Mobile,
The chief creative officer of Disney and Pixar, John Lasseter, is unveiling mystery "gaming initiative" Disney Infinity on January 15, 2013 in Hollywood. Also in attendance will be John Pleasants, the principle creative advisor at Disney Imagineering. The attendance of these two suggests the enormity of Disney Infinity, which we currently know nothing about.
The New York Times interviewed Robert Iger, Disney's chief executive, in October, with Iger discussing a similar gaming initiative called Toy Box. It's possible that Toy Box has since transformed into Disney Infinity, which the NYT's described as a "console game with extensive mobile and online applications in which various Pixar and Disney characters will interact with one another for the first time."
We'll keep you posted on more news about Disney Infinity as it develops.
Read More | Polygon
Capcom Games Discounted up to Fifty Percent on Steam and PSN

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: CAPCOM, Fighting, PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network, Survival Horror,
Capcom has some major Steam and PSN discounts for you! First, on PSN, you'll find discounts on Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Online Edition, discounted to $7.34 for PS Plus members and $10.49 for regular members, and Resident Evil 4 HD, discounted to $9.79 for PS Plus members and $13.99 for regular members.
Over at Steam, the discounts cover most of the Capcom library and go as low as 50 percent off. Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, for instance, is marked down from $39.99 to $19.99.
Read More | Capcom Unity
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