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Mercury Meltdown Wii CoverartExcuse the bad pun at the top, but if Amazon’s price listing is correct, Mercury Meltdown Revolution for the Wii may be a bargain… as the good folks over at GoNintendo noted, the currently listed price for the Wii game (which garnered an 8.5 for the PSP version at IGN) is $19.99. Add to that the fact that most hands-on reports of the game love the addition of tilt-controls, and it’s looking like you’ve got a new no-brainer buy for the Wii.

Mercury Meltdown Revolution is slated to launch around May 1st, and will feature some graphical and gameplay upgrades to the PS2/PSP version, including 480p/widescreen support and added levels.

Read More | Amazon.com via GoNintendo.com


DS Lite Swarovski-fied

Don’t get me wrong - if I wanted to spend a chunk of change on some bling, a Swarovski-encrusted DS lite might be towards the top of my list. But for $600 bucks, I want to make sure that everyone can properly view the full glory of my gaming obsession. With this mod? - Not so much. See, when I actually play my DS lite, I usually open the screen. And when I do that, well… that means the folks who are staring at my glorious, sparkling handheld are going to be looking at this crystal mosaic of Nintendo awesomeness upside-down.

Come on guys, even Apple figured this out a few years back when they switched the logo orientation on their laptops… if you’re going to make your product an advertisement, you want to make sure that the people who are looking at it can do so without doing a handstand.

Click the jump for more images of these almost-ridiculously-awesome handhelds.

Click to continue reading $600 For A Crystal-Coated DS Lite, And It’s Upside-down?!?

Our papa-site Gear Live pointed out this video from MyGamerCard.net that was supposedly leaked from Gamespot.com. This one is looking real legit, and boasts some exciting features:

* Ability to add up to 600 Windows Live Messenger contacts to your Friends List.
* Text chat with up to 6 Live Messenger contacts at once during games or movies.
* The Marketplace will be getting its own Dashboard Blade.
* The Marketplace will be skinned independently of the Dashboard, for special events.
* The Marketplace will be getting a new, easier-to-navigate remake.
* Achievement Pop-ups will now display how many points and which Achievement you have gained.
* Low-power downloading (fans off) and auto-off after finishing queued downloads.
* View partially downloaded video files.

Much like Gear Live, we’re still wondering “where the browser at?”, but it’s looking like Microsoft is still doing a great job of beefing up their already impressive online features.

Read More | Gear Live

SegaThe great retro gaming blog at Racketboy has a fairly in-depth round up of Sega classic franchises, past and present with short updates on their current status. Some of the inclusions might be kind of a stretch to label a “franchise” – there are a number of games on the list that have only had one release in their lifetimes. The list, however, is a good reminder of all the original IP that Sega has to mine for new offerings. Sega’s track record for updates hasn’t been that great lately, the next generation Sonic release on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 was notoriously bad, with some redemption coming with Sonic and The Secret Rings on the Wii. As the article mentions, Sega has become more and more risk averse due to the financial issues the company has faced, but it does seem like there is a lot of potential in Sega’s history. Certainly there seem to be a lot of RPG franchises that could stand to be revisited, including Beyond Oasis, Skies of Arcadia, and Shining Force, but there are also a bunch of great action games that would be great to see updated and released on any of the downloadable content platforms.

Read More | Racketboy

Warhawk The nature of the Warhawk release for the PlayStation 3 has been elusive, to say the least. 1up was one of the first sites to report that the game would be heading to the PlayStation Network, and would not be a retail disc. Now, according to information they received from Sony Computer Entertainment America, the game is actually going to be heading to both Blu-Ray and the PlayStation Network. No clarification was given, but 1up speculates that there will be content differences between the formats, with the possibility of additional downloadable content to even out the releases. Even with this, though, it would see that either way would result in a less than satisfactory experience for each format. Either the Blu-Ray disc ends up being vastly underutilized, or the end user finds himself downloading tons and tons of content to keep up with their physical media brethren. It will be interesting to see how Sony handles this, if the rumors are true.

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Wii Sharpshooter by JoytechWe’ve been hearing quite a few rumors about the imminent release of the zapper-style Wiimote attachment as shown off by Nintendo at what is now known as The Last E3. So we’ll understand if this picture of a new hunk o’ plastic by Joytech doesn’t have you jumping up and down with excitement.

There are some design flaws with this thing that should be noted too… for one, note the ugly wire sticking out the bottom of the nunchuk, and for two, it looks like you’ll be stuck playing games that use the Nunchuk’s Z-buttons as their firing button. Let’s see… what game uses that again? Oh yeah, that’s right, none of them. That’s why there’s a convenient, B-button triggery-thing at the bottom of the Wiimote itself.

No price or release date has been listed yet for the Wii Sharpshooter, but with the true Wii Zapper attachment rumored to release shortly and for only about $19.99, we’re hoping that the Sharpshooter makes it out quickly and in the price range of “cheap”.

Read More | Joytech via GoNintendo.com

HP Cartridges (ha ha)Today’s gaming news-of-the-weird comes to you courtesy of HP, yes that HP, the old Mr. Hewlett and Mr. Packard brainchild. Apparently inspired by Nintendo’s recent non-traditional approach to gaming, HP’s device - currently dubbed the MScape, would react to visual and spatial clues in the gamer’s environment thanks to built in accelerometers and GPS sensors. We’re guessing it’ll be a cartridge based system. (GET IT??!?) Describes the article over at GameSpot.com:

The early concept involves a handheld and a series of small sensors that a game organizer could lay out around a city or park. Those sensors would trigger certain events in the game, like a bonus level or an attack by the bad guys, based on a small demonstration of the concept here.

Um, wow… is it just me, or does this have “amazingly bad idea” written all over it. We’ve all heard about the horror stories of people so wrapped up in their DSes and iPods that they don’t notice important details like oncoming traffic. Litigation’s going to get REALLY interesting when people start jumping in the middle of the streets to pick up power-ups.

Read More | Gamespot.com

BugGameTap is apparently adding support for Sega Saturn games to its subscription-based service. Gamasutra is reporting that there is a current easter egg on the service that leads users to play the Saturn game Bug! for a limited time. This would be a great addition to the service, particularly since many of the Sega Saturn exclusive games have never been released as a part of any classics collections. Even if one had the actual hardware, many of the games are also collector’s items now, so having legitimate versions available for play via GameTap may be the only way to experience some of the gems on the console.

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Wii Cubed3 is reporting on a new press release issued by eSol Co., Ltd., indicating that Nintendo has entered into an agreement with the company to license their FAT file system and USB host support for embedded systems, to be used in Nintendo’s Wii console. Cube3 believes that this may be pointing to an external USB storage system coming for the Wii some time soon. However, the press release seems worded oddly for a new addition to the Wii. For instance, eSol’s Executive Vice President, Embedded Products says this:

I am very happy that we could take part in the development for Wii, a new game console from Nintendo. I believe that our products were selected because Nintendo highly-valued our long, successful history with many digital consumer products and high-reliability and functionality based on that. We will continue to provide superior products and technical services to strongly support developers in embedded software development.

This statement seems to indicate that eSol was involved during the console development process, and this licensing is not a new thing. Why the company is issuing a press release now about this seems somewhat odd, though. Still, even if this is not new functionality in the Wii, this announcement would indicate that Nintendo could potentially enable the feature in the Wii to allow USB-based storage in the future.

Read More | Cubed3

GT HD European owners of the PS3 have been able to get a rumble-enabled version of Gran Turismo HD since launch. Now, US owners can get the free update from the PlayStation Store, according to IGN. The update adds a world-wide ranking system, so US gamers can now compare their times with others across the world and adds rumble support for owners of Logitech’s Driving Force, Driving Force Pro, and Driving Force EX wheels. The quick addition of rumble support gives hopes to PS3 gamers that rumble support in other PS3 games as well as in new controllers will be coming soon.

Read More | IGN

