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The forums over at Gamespot are abuzz with a new photo of the Sony PS3 controller. The shot makes it look like the controller is about half the size of most of todays controllers. There is a lot of discussion as to if this is all a trick perspective shot, with the gloved hand lending to that theory. Is it a farce, or could the PS3 controller end up being half the size of the Xbox 360’s?

| Gamespot
Battlefield 2 Hits Store Shelves

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: First Person Shooters, PC, Role Playing Games,
Today is the day Battlefield 2 for the PC hits the shelves. Here’s your chance to play the game before you buy it. Since this game is so popular, many servers are becoming overloaded. Thanks to TDG, here’s a list of mirrors for your downloading pleasure. What’s the big deal with this game? Check out the features and decide yourself if its worth to try it out or wait until our review soon.
- Online multiplayer action with up to 64 players on the PC.
- All-new gameplay engine brings the immense locations to life complete with realistic physics and dynamic lighting.
- Maps scale to the number of players engaging in battle for a unique and intense experience every time.
- Take control of over 30 land, sea, and air vehicles, including tanks, helicopters, hovercraft, fast attack vehicles, and fighter jets.
- Choose to battle as U.S., Chinese, or Middle East Coalition troops, each with their own unique arsenals.
- A variety of soldier classes including Assault, Sniper, Special Ops, Combat Engineer, Medic, Heavy Weapons, and Anti-Tank units.
- New state-of-the-art weapon systems, including wire-guided missiles and laser designated bombs.
- Material penetration feature makes sure players know the difference between cover and concealment.
- Character Persistence and Growth. With in-game success, players increase their rank from recruit all the way to General and unlock new weapons, medals, and more.
- Join a squad or select the new Commander Mode to assume the strategic role of a battlefield commander directing his forces.
- Full in-game community support including, buddy lists, stat tracking, live chat rooms, and in-game clan creation.
- Voice over IP supported with headset.
Read More | Mirror List Courtesy of TDG
Read More | Battlefield 2 Home Page
World of Warcraft Gets Even Bigger
Posted by Rob Stevens Categories: Internet, PC, Role Playing Games,
World of Warcraft has reached an absolutely mind-boggling number of users: over two million players for what was deemed by many to be a niche genre. But not satisfied to rest on their laurels, Blizzard has a lot of new features in store. More specifically, the next patch promises to include improvements to the much-maligned Honor System, as well as Battlemasters, NPCs that can allow a player to enter the recently added Battlegrounds from a city, instead of travelling to the location of the Battleground.
There was also a progress report of sorts from Shane Dabiri (Ordinn to WOW forum-goers), which discussed a myriad of topics, including the astronomical growth of WOW (a near 10-fold increase in realms offered over six months), and confirmation of the inevitable: an expansion for World of Warcraft is indeed in the works. “Some have asked about an expansion and what it might hold. I wanted to let players know that it is in the works, and we’ll release details as soon as we can.” If you have yet to venture into Azeroth for yourself and spend hours on end slaying the merciless Murlocs, now seems as good a time as any, assuming you have no children, family, or personal life to speak of.
Read More | World of Warcraft
It was only a matter of time, but the fine folks at Killer-X and PSP-Dev have finally managed to get homebrew and emulation code running on PSPs with the version 1.5 firmware. Until now, would-be hackers would have to quickly swap Memory Sticks out of the PSP, increasing a chance that you could damage your rather expensive storage cards. This latest exploit allows everything to run from a single card, making this sort of grey-area gameplay open to far more people. If you’re running the 1.51 or 1.52 firmware versions on your PSP, you’re still out of luck until Sony’s digital signature is cracked, or some other loophole is found (like downgrading the firmware).
Read More | PSP Hacker
Sony Buys Rights to The Matrix, DC Comics MMORPG
Posted by Ian Adams Categories: Corporate News, Internet, Role Playing Games,
Last Friday, Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) — the company behind MMORPG giants Everquest and Star Wars: Galaxies — announced on Friday that they have purchased the rights to The Matrix Online. (Previously held by Warner Bros.) According to SOE, Matrix Online players will not see any changes in the game or subscription pricing, however they will need to re-register with SOE and submit their billing information while agreeing to SOE terms of service, user license, privacy policy, etc. Everyone who successfully re-registers will be able to continue playing with current characters with all of their equipment. Additionally, players will have to create a Station ID to continue playing Matrix Online. For some players this may spell trouble, as customers who have been previously banned from the Station service will not be able to continue playing The Matrix Online, even if they have been playing since the game started in March with no transgressions.
During these negotiations with Warner Bros., SOE also managed to purchase the rights to make an MMORPG based on the DC Comics universe. Details on what the new DC game will be like and on which platforms it will run are practically non-existent at the time of this writing, however the game could give superhero MMORPG City of Heroes a run for its money once the game is released, which SOE hopes will be around late 2007.
“Expanding our fans’ ability to participate in the DC universe through a great online game is a terrific step forward for DC Comics,” said Paul Levitz, President & Publisher of DC Comics. “We look forward to working with our colleagues at Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and the talented folks at SOE.”
“Our goal is to deliver quality content and consistently advance our key properties within the online games space,” said Jason Hall, senior vice president of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. “We’ve done just that with The Matrix Online. Because of our compelling work in developing and launching that game we can now move it over to the leaders in the MMO space, SOE. We look forward to working with SOE to enhance our overall services to massively multiplayer online gamers for The Matrix Online and a new DC Comics game.”
SOE Press Release |
Matrix Online FAQ on the Sony Acquisition |
Playfeed Giveaway: SanDisk 1 GB Memory Stick Pro Duo

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Announcements, Portable/Mobile,
So, Gear Live turned one the other day and has hooked up Playfeed with a 1 GB Memory Stick Pro Duo to give away to a Playfeed reader. You see, while these Memory Sticks will work in just about any portable Sony device, we recognize that it isn’t the Sony Clie or digital cameras that are causing a mad rush for these bad boys. It is the Sony PSP, and the fact that people want to bring as much media with them as possible. That being the case, the video game site seems to be the most appropriate place to give this one away. To enter, simply answer this question in the comments of this post:
What method do you use to rip your movies to a PSP format, and put them on your PSP?
Answer that question, and we will pick a random, United States based winner in a week.
Pac-Pix Nintendo DS Review

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Portable/Mobile, Reviews, Strategy,
With so many people split on whether the Nintendo DS is a good system or not, one has to take a deeper look to see what all the fuss is about. The fact is, many compare the DS to the PSP, and based off of that comparison, say that the DS sucks. It just isn’t true. Once you get past the eye candy, it comes down to the software. Pac-Pix is an example of a game that can only be done on the DS, as well as an example of the ingenious ways to use the touch screen when a developer puts their mind to it. Check out our full review after the jump.
Click to continue reading Pac-Pix Nintendo DS Review
Another Look At Halo 2

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, First Person Shooters, Reviews, Xbox,
Last week I found Halo 2 in a Limited Collectors Edition tin a pawn show for $15 bucks and I honestly have not taken it out of my Xbox since then. The limited edition comes with a making of Halo 2 DVD and a metal tin. This is a but of a surprise since my friend and I have had a running joke going about how long this game was hyped by hard core Xbox fans. Right now I think it was a little harsh because I have been blown away by how much fun this game is.
Click to continue reading Another Look At Halo 2
One of the most popular video games in the world turns 25 this month. Pac-Man, along with ghostly rivals Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde, is celebrating a quarter century on the pop culture map by offering a special edition 25th anniversary arcade machine. You can also expect to find Pac-Mania 3D, Pac-Man World 3, Pac-Pix and Pac-Man Pinball in stores. The games are of course being released by Namco which sold nearly 300,000 units of the original arcade game between 1980-1987.
It all began in Japan, when Toru Iwatani, a young designer at Namco, caught inspiration from a pizza that was missing a slice. Puck-Man, as it was originally called, was born. Because of obvious similarities to a certain four-letter profanity, “Puck” became “Pac” when it debuted in the U.S. in 1980.
Read More | USA Today
Playfeed columnist Jake Metcalf made an appearance on The Chris Pirillo Show last week, talking about games and technology with Chris and his callers. If you haven’t caught the show, I definitely recommend you checking it out. Jake did a great job helping out, as well as defending the Nintendo Gamecube. Big ups.
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