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Nintendo Plans Press Conference for Revolution
Posted by Alex Grahmann Categories: Corporate News, Wii,
Nintendo has announced plans for a Revolution-based press conference on August 17th. The 1-hour conference will take place on the opening day of Germany’s Leipzig Games Convention and will begin at 10:30 AM (Germany time). Since the conference is called “Expand the Definition of Gaming,” let’s all hope they expand the definition to include more information on their now-infamous secret Revolution controller.
Read More | GC
The rumor mill is at it again, this time from sources at Wal-Mart. The claim is that the Xbox 360 will sell for $299, with the games retailing for $59.99. They also say that the system will launch on November 4. This is a good and bad thing for all of us gamers. If the system ends up selling for $299, Microsoft will have a significant price advantage over Sony’s PS3 $399 price point. Now the downside is that the games would cost an extra $10 per game which is kind of rough considering many gamers are teens and kids without a source of income. Let us know what you think!
According to the website, anonymous sources at the nation’s largest retailer Wal-Mart are claiming that the Xbox 360 is slated to launch on November 4, 2005 for the price of $299.99. If true, that price point is what the majority of industry analysts were expecting from Microsoft.
Read More | GameDaily
I thought it would be a good idea to put together a bit guide as how to be a better gamer. I have been playing video games since the days of the Atari 2600 and the Colecovision so this is sort of a community service announcement for the younger generation.
Schedule some time to play a game. Unlike watching TV you can play a game almost anytime you want with the notable exception of Animal Crossing and some MMORPGs but you need to actually say to yourself “I want to play some Gamecube and that is exactly what I am going to do for the next three hours”. You don’t have to tell your friends and family and rub it in their face but just realize the fact that you want to play games and make sure you got the time. If you don’t have a lot of time to play games than a massive RPG really might not be a good idea.
Click to continue reading So You Want To Be A Better Gamer
Here are some interesting pictures that have emerged on a forum from someone who claims to have a prototype of the Nintendo’s next-gen system. Sorry, no scary kid in the picture playing it. The blurred out controller seems that it would be a dead giveaway to the fact that this is a fake. However, if that isn’t enough proof, you will also note that the disc slot is on the wrong side, and that the box does not have that SD Card shape.
Read More | Gamebrink Forums
Stateside PSP Firmware 2.0 Upgrade Coming August 12th
Posted by Alex Grahmann Categories: Portable/Mobile, Wireless,
Sony has announced that the United States-specific upgrade to the PSP Firmware will become available August 12th. The upgrade can either be directly installed using the PSP Network Update feature (which requires a 802.11b hotspot connection) or downloaded from and installed via USB. Everything that was part of the Japanese release will be included in the American version, from the minor tweaks to the major features such as the web browser and photo sharing program. Additionally, those early-adopters who couldn’t wait and have already installed the Japanese version can install the American version directly over the top of their previous upgrade, thus un-voiding the warranty on their PSP, which isn’t technically allowed to run “unauthorized software.”
Read More | Sony’s PSP
Nintendo Wi-Fi Theatrical Trailer Debuts
Posted by Alex Grahmann Categories: Driving, Portable/Mobile, Wireless,
Nintendo has chosen to begin the mainstream hype of its upcoming Wi-Fi service with a 1 minute trailer that will be run before copies of The Fantastic Four, The Dukes of Hazzard, Bad News Bears, Stealth, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and The Island. The trailer, titled “The Sad, Agonizing Tale of Bhunvan Ganguly,” will run between July 29th and August 25th. Rather than a detail-laden explosion, Nintendo has decided to employ some cinematic subtlety to generate interest. However, the ad does feature footage of the online Mario Kart DS and stresses world-wide connectivity. Be sure to catch the trailer on the big screen, or at online at the link below.
Read More | IGN
Playstation Magazine claims to have some advance info on the upcoming PS3. Of note is that the hard drive won’t be used for games - I’m guessing Tivo/PSP use. The PSP will be able to access media on the PS3 via Wifi. The PS3 will have a TiVo-like accessory so that it will be able to record TV - hopefully in Hi-Definition. The last tidbit surprised me - you will be able to chose to run games at a lower resolution for smoother game-play - the PS3 has enormous amounts of processing power already, do people really think that this thing is going to get maxed out by a lot of games? I sure hope so!
Read More | MaxConsole via Kotaku
This is a pretty cool photo show on Flickr – The Xbox 360 Faceplates Pool. Twenty-one pages of images of would be faceplates for the upcoming box. Some of them are so good that I wish they are actually real or can be printed from a high quality printer to stick it on the actual product when it ships. Have an image of your own? Show it off on the comments.
Read More | Flickr Xbox 360 Faceplate Show
PSP 2.0 Firmware On U.S. PSP

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Mods/Hacks, Portable/Mobile,
Many have heard of the awesome new PSP 2.0 firmware upgrade, and are wanting to make the jump. In the US, you have to go through a couple of extra hoops if you want to accomplish this task. Fear not, thanks to this nice step-by-step tutorial. A word of caution: this update is not intended for US PSPs and thusly will not be supported by Sony. Also, if you do decide to do the update, you cannot downgrade to the current firmware release. This means no more emulators, but cool new features such as web browsing. Check it out and let us know how it went.
Read More | AskDaveTaylor via Lockergnome
G4 has an interview with the lead designer of Gears of War, along with in game footage. That’s right, the footage shown is of the game being played on the Xbox 360 and not on some desktop with “similar” hardware. According to the FAQs in the interview, the video shown at E3 was just the graphics unveiling of the game. This video just gets me even more hyped up about the impeding launch of the Xbox 360 and anxious to see what the PS3 and the Revolution can do.
Read More | TeamXbox
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