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Metal Gear Solid 4 No Longer PS3 Exclusive?
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,
If Destructoid knows their stuff (and they’ve broken several exclusives in the past!), then Konami has done a 180 on their previous policy and will be bringing MGS4 to the 360, eventually that is. According to poster Ron “Greybush” Workman, MS and Konami have just inked a deal to bring the title to the 360 roughly a year after it debuts on the PS3. The 360 version will supposedly included added extras not available on the PS3 disc. While it’s not the system-killer that some posters are implying, the continual loss of exclusives from Sony’s latest console is not exactly painting a pretty picture for its future.
We’ll keep this story updated as new info comes in, but for now, Ron is fiercely and actively defending his claims, so we’ve got to believe that he’s got the inside scoop.
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Chatlog: The Halo 3 Beta: Two Weeks Later

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Bungie, Features, First Person Shooters, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

The Halo 3 Beta has been available to the public for nearly two weeks, and with well over a hundred games between the two of them, editors Chris Pereira and Kyle Ulrich have a discussion about the experience thus far - what they like, what they don’t, what needs to be changed, and more.
Kyle: First off, the graphics. While the beta looks good, it’s absolutely clear that what is there is merely a foundation for what the finished product will become. A lot of people have been quick to criticize the game for looking too similar to Halo 2, without taking into consideration that the majority of the assets that we’re seeing in this beta - the levels, weapons, and character models - have been finished for months, as early as last October. Particle effects are nonexistent - grenades and muzzle fire lack flourish. From my perspective, we’re going to be looking at almost an entirely different game come September. I’d imagine that there are layers and layers of polish that have yet to be implemented. Believe.
Chris: You’re right. Bungie is the type of developer that waits until the last moment to slap on that extra layer of gloss that makes everything oh-so-pretty. And unlike many games, gimmicky bloom effects aren’t what make Halo look good. And after all, this beta isn’t a tech demo; don’t expect it to wow you with its graphics.
Kyle: The gameplay is an entirely different story, though. Even in this early, unfinished stage, the balance is remarkable. Nothing feels particularly unusable and the power weapons are exactly what they should be: hard to use, one-hit skill kills. Everything from the recoil of the sniper rifle to the shortening of the Shotgun’s ammo chamber make major strides at leveling the playing field. The even smattering of spray and prays and one-shots coalesce and riff off each other beautifully. For my money, an unfinished product has never played so marvelously. Also, the tweaking of the objective game types shakes things up well. Territories is simply awesome.
Click to continue reading Chatlog: The Halo 3 Beta: Two Weeks Later
Need for Speed Video Teaser Shows Massive Damage

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Driving, Electronic Arts, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Gamecube, PC, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP, Trailers, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360,
On the heels of EA’s new Madden video comes this brief look at the newest Need for Speed title, which we know next to nothing about - not a title or even the platforms it’ll be released on. The video is entitled “Damage,” and if you take a look at the video, you’ll agree that it’s an appropriate name. One of the features in the new NFS is apparently going to be the ability to rip your car to shreds in an accident, Burnout-style.
Like the Madden video before it, the game certainly looks pretty, but hopefully the game will play as well as the competition. As the video alludes, there apparently will be some sort of announcement on May 31 at the official Need for Speed website, and we’ll get word of whatever that might be to you as soon as it’s made available.
Half-Life 2: Black Box Gets The Axe

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: First Person Shooters, PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,
Black Box, the PC-only package which included Episode 2, Team Fortress 2 and Portal has been canned by Valve. The reasoning behind this was not revealed, but it’s likely a move to help promote Steam.
“The Black Box has been cancelled,” said Doug Lombardi, Valve’s director of marketing. “We’re going to have one package, The Orange Box, available on the PC (US$49.99) as well as the 360 and PS3 (US$ 59.99). In addition to the three new products—Portal, Team Fortress 2, and Half-Life: Episode Two—The Orange Box will also contain the full version of Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode One. Those who purchase the PC version of The Orange Box will get three separate Steam product codes: One for the three new games, one for HL2, and one for Episode One. This way a PC Orange Box owner can give away their Half-Life 2 or Episode One unused Steam product codes if they don’t need a copy of those games. We are excited to deliver the highest value of new gaming content ever offered in one box.”
It sounds like a fair bargain to me – that’s a lot of content for $50 (or $60 if you’re on consoles). Those who wish to save money will be able to download all of the new content directly from Steam – a route which many gamers are likely to take, meaning Steam will see a nice boost in traffic. With more and more games looking to Steam as a viable means of distribution, this increase in download numbers will likely help to coax some naysayers into jumping on the bandwagon.
Read More | IGN UK
Guitar Hero: Rock the 80’s Coming to PS2 and… Nothing Else Yet
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Activision, Music, Party Games, PlayStation 2, Xbox Live,
The official Guitar Hero: Rock the 80’s website has launched, and there’s a nasty surprise waiting for Xbox 360 owners. Currently, it looks like the game will only be released for the PS2. Still, given the money-printing nature of the GH franchise, I’m guessing the 80’s tunes will be made available to 360 owners one way or another. The big question, of course, is whether 80’s edition will ever be released in disc form for the 360, or whether the new characters, locales, and songs will just be released as downloadable content for the 360’s GHII, making it exclusive to Xbox 360 Premium and Elite systems.
We’ll keep you updated as we get more info about this title. For now, check out the tracklist and other info available at the official website. Guitar Hero Encore: 80’s edition will launch in summer ‘07.
Read More | Guitar Hero Website
Karraker: Real Gamers Want The PS3

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Corporate News, PlayStation 3,
While Dave Karraker may have a difficult job in trying to spin the moronic statements made by seemingly every Sony exec related to the PlayStation, sometimes he just makes things worse. You know, when he goes out on his own and says things like this:
That’s kind of a tough question to answer. I am pretty sure if you asked just about any real gamer out there if they would like to have a PS3, their answer would be a resounding “Yes!” I think a lot of this goes back to the proliferation of the Internet, where a very vocal minority can make a lot of noise and potentially alter perceptions of the masses, whether they are accurate or not. A lot of this, naturally, is driven by the media who seem focused on taking swipes at us lately, without taking in the full picture.
Vocal minority? Maybe so, but apparently Mr. Karraker hasn’t taken a look at the NPD numbers for last month – the ones where the PlayStation 3 sold an absolutely abysmal 82,000 units. (By comparison, the Xbox 360 sold 174,000 units and the Wii 360,000.) When is Sony going to collectively stop bragging? The reason the media takes so many swipes at Sony is because they seem too caught up in trying to convince everyone that the PS3 is the greatest thing around… without actually backing it up with anything of substance. My advice: shut up and let your games do the talking.
Read More | GamePro
$90 For GTA IV And Goodies, Anyone?

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,
Like seemingly every other game on the market, Rockstar’s GTA IV will be releasing a special edition of the game, which will retail for $89.99. That’s a whole $30 more than the standard game, so there must be something in there to really make it worthwhile, right?
Well, that all depends on your ability to care about what is, for the most part, some worthless junk. Those three extra Hamiltons will land you a metal case, some special packaging, a soundtrack CD with exclusive tracks, a keychain, a customized Rockstar Games duffle bag, a behind-the-scenes art book and, of course, a copy of GTA IV. No special in-game treatment for you special edition owners out there.
$90 is a whole lot to ask for what boils down to a CD, art book, and metal case. With Halo 3’s Legendary Edition priced at $129.99, just how high can the price go on these special/collector’s editions? And when you factor in the already-promised downloadable content for the game, diehard GTA fans will be forking over quite the load of cash this October.
Read More | 1UP
Madden NFL 08: First Video Look

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Electronic Arts, PlayStation 3, Sports, Trailers, Xbox 360,
Like Christmas or New Year’s Day, each year we’re presented with a new installment of Madden. Being the only NFL-branded game on the market, it’s undoubtedly going to rock the sales charts later this year. But, it’ll be facing some stiffer competition now that 2K Games is back (the team behind the, in my opinion, superior NFL 2K franchise) with All-Pro Football 2K8. Regardless, Madden is a force to be reckoned with, and just recently we got to see the first footage of the game.
Looks pretty sweet, but hopefully those one-handed receptions won’t be commonplace. It looks like EA is feeling the competition creep up on it and will be looking to really deliver a true next-gen pigskin game later this year.
Halo 3 Beta To See Maintenance And Playlist Update

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Bungie, First Person Shooters, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

This week will showcase the first substantial change to Halo 3’s matchmaking playlist. Team Training is going bye-bye in order to be replaced by Big Team Training – 6v6 games of the objective and slayer variety on High Ground and Valhalla. Luke Smith also stated on, “… we’ve made some slight tweaks to the Team Skirmish playlist that should add greater variety in the opponents you’ll face.” If only that meant no slayer games in the skirmish playlist. Slayer is not an objective game! Go play Team Slayer if that’s what tickles your fancy.
In unrelated news, later today (May 23), some sort of proverbial flip will be temporarily switched between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. PST. It supposedly should have no impact, but Frankie warns of what may potentially happen:
Should your game encounter a rare crash, your Xbox 360 will give you an alert screen, explaining that it’s uploading data to Bungie servers. We actually need this data, and we need your cooperation too. Although you probably won’t see that screen, if you do, let it finish uploading the data. It may take some time – upwards of 10-20 seconds and perhaps longer. So we beg your patience. When the process has completed correctly this is the message you’ll see, “File upload complete. Visit for more information (safe to reboot).”
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Ubisoft Milks Raving Rabbids, Steals Ad Ideas
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Nintendo DS, Party Games, Ubisoft, Wii,

So the real gaming news is that Ubisoft will be releasing Rayman: Raving Rabbids 2 for the Wii and DS. According to, the game will focus much more on the Rabbids themselves, and much less on Rayman. Personally, this sounds to me like a great idea - the bunnies have enough charm to be a franchise all their own, so there’s no need to tie in a popular platformer character (especially when the game retains little of what the original Rayman series was all about). The game is expected to hit in Fall 2007, no exact date given yet.
OK, now with all that NEWS out of the way, isn’t it just a little odd how closely that graphic above resembles the advertisement for a certain other hyper-kinetic rabbity thing? I’m guessing Telltale Games will have a good sense of humor about Ubisoft using their idea, but maybe RRR2 should give Max a cameo as compensation…
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