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WarioWare: Twisted! Review

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Features, Portable/Mobile, Reviews,
Nintendo just released WarioWare Twisted! their latest sequel to WarioWare for Gameboy Advance. This is a totally slick collection of more insane and surreal mini-games but with a unique human-game interface. There was the original WarioWare game on Gameboy Advance then WarioWare Mega Party Games for Gamecube, next was WarioWare Touched! On Nintendo DS and now back to good old Gameboy Advance.
Click to continue reading WarioWare: Twisted! Review
Monolith Productions, keeping it promise to make it worthwhile to play The Matrix Online, has gone and done the unthinkable. They went and killed off Morpheus, the main sage in the Matrix and the captain of the human hovership Nebuchadnezzar. Not only is Morpheus dead in The Matrix Online, but he is also now dead in all the future works set in the Matrix Universe after the trilogy. This is because anything that happens in Matrix Online is canon and automatically becomes part of the Matrix universe.
Click to continue reading Morpheus Is Dead
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve encountered whiners that say they can’t play Halo against me because they lack a keyboard and mouse. Complain no more my newbies: Brando’s shop is offering this gem for you to take ‘em to school for a reasonably priced $25. It even comes pre-configured for the most popular best selling games out right now. Time to look like a complete dork at the next Xbox LAN party, so bring it on.
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Doris Self, of Fort Lauderdale, may be a grandmother in her 80’s, but she is not giving up on her quest to regain the world highest score in Q*Bert. In fact, she is trying to regain her throne, which she held until 1985. Her quest to regain the world highest score started when champion video game player Billy Mitchell called her up and offered to loan her a Q*Bert video game machine to break the record. Doris jumped at the chance to regain her titles and has given up bridge and poker to practice day and night to claim her place in history. “I was sad when I lost the title I had held for twenty years,” laments Doris. “Then I got a call from gaming legend Billy Mitchell, who offered to loan me a Q*bert machine to practice on and win back my title. Billy made me promise that I would give up poker and practice Q*bert everyday.” With Mitchell support, Doris plans to break the Q*Bert record by June 5, during an annual gathering of classic gamers at Funspot in Weirs Beach, NH.
Read More | TwinGalaxies
You know, I enjoy giving away items on Gear Live and Playfeed. Of course, there are those who are just in it for purely selfish reasons who can’t imagine that things may sometimes get in the way. Of course, these are usually the young-un’s. Nonetheless, we have a winner. We don’t like to post results until after we have contacted the winner, and heard back from them. The reasoning behind this is that many people sign up for giveaways using fake email addresses. How, then, are we to contact you to send your prize? I digress. The winner, after 2 unsuccessful attempts to contact the original winner, is one Phil Kefer. Enjoy the faceplate with which you will have nothing to affix to for the next six months.
Turns out that the Playstation 3’s RSX processor is not done; not only is it not done but its not even near done. According to NVIDIA’s CFO, Marv Burkett, the RSX processor’s silicon is not even taped out, meaning it’s being finalized now and will be ready by Christmas – in time for a spring 2006 launch. That being the case, what were the Sony guys showing us at E3? They were boasting left and right about what the RSX processor can do, but there is no processor yet. According to Burkett, the technology demos were being showcased in an upcoming new desktop product with similar capabilities of the RSX. As puts it, “So, if NVIDIA’s upcoming part is capable of all that we saw demonstrated at the press conference, what is RSX capable of?” Seriously, when will we really see what these things can do?
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Everything looks better in HD right? Well that being the case, these trailers of video games to hit the Xbox 360 look amazing. Best of all, they are straight from the source so you know they look good. Question still remains if these are console graphics or some renders. Only half a year left until we find out. For now, just sit back and enjoy.
Read More | Microsoft HD Downloads
Each year at E3 there are the great booths/vendors and the bad ones. Well one of the baddies from last year returned this year and it seemed to be a waste of money. Here’s a quick little clip of the sarcasm of Andru and Jesse.
Watch the Video | N-Gage at E3
E3 Interview: Sam Gomersall, Professional Magic Player
Posted by Charles Leake Categories: Strategy,
The other day we brought you our interview with Mark Rosewater, Head Designer of Magic: The Gathering and Head of Magic Research and Development. Today we bring you the next installment of Magic love in our interview with professional player Sam Gomersall and give you some insight into why people dedicate their lives to the game of Magic: the Gathering.
Click to continue reading E3 Interview: Sam Gomersall, Professional Magic Player
E3 2005: Far Cry Instincts Details Released

Posted by Jesse Easley Categories: First Person Shooters, PC,
Ubisoft has announced a sequel to the hit PC game Far Cry, titled Far Cry Instincts. The game story is pretty basic from what we’ve been told so far. Basically, it’s your job to survive the wilderness and take out mercenaries using every tactic and skill you know. The following bulletpoints about the game are quoted from Ubisoft’s press release:
- It’s open season in a 100% open environment: Do whatever it takes to exterminate the mercenaries in any situation. Take cover in the undergrowth, set traps, kill by stealth, battle from extreme long range and gun-mounted vehicles and fight in close quarters or through the wilds of the island.
- A real arsenal: Plunder an arsenal of responsive, realistic weapons and vehicles including ATVs, gunboats, hang gliders and much more. Turn the mercenaries’ stockpile into the instruments of their own destruction.
- Unleash your predatory skills: Survive the furious and inhospitable wilderness by unveiling your true nature: develop your vision, track the enemy’s scent and become faster and stronger.
- F.A.R. AI: Outsmart the mercenaries’ complex Full Action Response AI. Snipers, stalkers, scouts, and grenadiers react to your tactics with coordinated strikes from all angles, distances and terrains.
- Create your own shooter’s paradise: The battle continues with deep multiplayer and level editor features. Build custom maps in real time, upload them via Live Console Systems and stage ultimate deathmatches against your friends.
The game is scheduled to be released Fall 2005.
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