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Mario DS
New Super Mario Bros. has officially shipped in the US, and so far, the game plays great. There’s a real nostalgic feel to the game, but at the same time, there are enough new touches to make it feel like the game is a continuation of the 2D platforming gameplay made famous on the Super Nintendo. The game itself is almost a pure platformer, with the DS touch screen basically used as a power-up inventory, allowing Mario to hold a backup in a pinch. Seasoned Mario fans will probably be able to breeze through the game levels the first time through, but the organization of the levels means that completists will need to trek through levels more than once to grab everything possible. Graphically, the switch to a polygonal Mario is important for some of the games special effects and power-ups, but the level of detail means that the new model doesn’t detract from the core gameplay. Mario is better animated than he has been in previous 2D outings, but the look and feel of the game really captures the old school game mechanics. Gamestop, IGN, and 1up all have their reviews up, and Nintendo has updated their official game site to include strategy tips and gameplay movies showing off the additions that make New Super Mario Bros. new.

Read More | Gamespot Review (9.0)
Read More | IGN Review (9.5)
Read More | 1up.com (8.0)
Read More | Official Mario Site @ Nintendo.com


PS3 Apparently, several game developers are unhappy with the fact that Sony has yet to release final PS3 development kits this late in the launch cycle. The primary complainers appear to be Sega of America, and THQ. THQ indicated that their decision to not release a version of The Sopranos on the PS3 hinged on the fact that they didn’t know what the final specification would be; this rings a bit hollow, since there is going to be an Xbox 360 version, and realistically, the developers should know approximately how powerful the hardware will be. Instead, a version of the game will be released for the much less powerful PS2. Sega of America is complaining, but it doesn’t seem like the American division of Sega does that much original development now, instead working with companies like Monolith and Pseudo Interactive, who are developing Full Auto 2 exclusively for the PS3. Full Auto 2 is scheduled to ship this Fall, close within the launch window of the PS3, so one wonders how much this actually is impacting development.

The top two US game publishing houses, Electronic Arts and Activision both had no issues with the state of the development kits, and Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot indicated that late development kits were basically a fact of the industry.

It should also be noted that Microsoft was also late with the Xbox 360 final development kits; these kits didn’t ship until roughly two months before the launch date, and 18 titles still made the release. Admittedly, some of the titles didn’t particularly take advantage of the strengths of the Xbox 360. Indeed, out of the list of launch games, it would be hard to pick a game outside of the first and second party releases that really showed what the Xbox 360 could do.

Sony is targeting 15 titles for launch, and one would expect that many of these titles would be the same mix of sequels from EA and Activision as seen in the past. One would hope that developers experiences in developing on the Xbox 360 would carry over to the PS3 somewhat, so the game titles should be close to Xbox 360 quality. Sony still hasn’t announced which titles would be available at launch, so it is unclear whether there will be a system selling title that will convince the average gamer that the console is worth picking over the Xbox 360.

Still, given that launch supplies are going to be extremely slim anyway, the concern over the quality of software may not matter. Sony should blow through their first batch of consoles fairly easily, and by the time software comes out to really press the hardware, there may even be consoles available to purchase.

Certainly the state of the development kits is a concern, but Sony still has time before launch to get the kits out. Microsoft cut things really closely last year, but still had a relatively solid launch, and if Sony sticks to roughly the same timeline, gamers should expect the same for the PS3 this year.

Read More | Bloomberg.com

Burning Crusade

Gamespot today published a new Q&A with Jeff Kaplan, lead designer on World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade. The Draenei were officially announced as the new race in the expansion pack during E3, and today Jeff fills in anxious gamers on some details with other content going into the expansion, including how gamers will access the new content in the Outlands. A new profession, jewel crafting, will also be introduced, along with a slew of new items to support the gems created through the new skill. Also discussed are the new main game content, like new armor items, and the Scourge invasion scheduled to drop with version 1.11 of the World of Warcraft client, and the new flying mounts. Kaplan also confirms that the client is built so that the graphic engine can be updated, paving the way for Windows Vista and Direct X 10.

Read More | GameSpot

A report on Next Generation indicates that Louisiana’s violent game criminalization bill, HR 1381, has passed the State House of Representatives on a vote of 102 - 0. According to the text of the law, selling games to minors in accordance with the following standards:

  1. The average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the video or computer game, taken as a whole, appeals to the minor’s morbid interest in violence.
  2. The game depicts violence in a manner patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community with respect to what is suitable for minors.
  3. The game, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors.

Penalties for violating this law would include fines from $100 to $2000 dollars, and up to a year in jail. The Entertainment Software Association’s response indicated that they felt that the law would be found unconstitutional under review. The bill will next face review by the Louisiana Senate, before moving on to the Governor. The text of the bill appears to be sufficiently vague that it would most likely not survive under challenge. The bill itself would seem to be basically an attempt to garner votes without enacting an actual law. Still, this follows in a long line of states attempting to ban the sale of violent video games, including Washington, California, Illinois, and Oklahoma.

Read More | Next Generation

Heavy Rain

Quantic Dream, the French developer’s of last year’s highly acclaimed adventure game, Indigo Prophecy, has placed their rolling audition technical demo online. The video is in HD, and the video capture is based on the real-time demo shown on the Playstation 3 at E3. Quantic Dream boasts the use of Ageia effects and the environment shown is fairly impressive.

The demo purports to show the audition tape of one of the actors for their upcoming game, Heavy Rain and starts in a sparse environment, where one of the casting directors is apparently recording the session. After a while, though, the scene cuts into the same actress, in a kitchen, acting out a scene. The scene is eerie, both in the look of the environment, which is well rendered, and in the emotions portrayed, which can be startlingly realistic. There are times when the rendering strays a little bit too close to the uncanny valley, but there are other times when the viewer almost forgets that this is an animation. For a few moments, everything comes together: the motion capture, facial expressions, and the voice acting all work together towards an emotional impact. At the beginning of the demo, however, things seem a little plastic, and rigid.

Given Quantic Dream’s previous efforts have been heaving on character development and story, the combination of their narratives with the technical achievements seen in the video should make for another strong entry into the adventure game genre.

Read More | Quantic Dream

Xbox 360Gamerscore Blog, from Microsoft Global Games Marketing, has the official response to the latest hack news. Basically they restate their previous statement: the core security of the system has not been hacked, they are going to find an appropriate response, and they state that there are benefits to buying original Microsoft intellectual property, so don’t pay for those pirate copies of Xbox 360 games, since you don’t know where they have been. The text of the response follows:

  The core security system has not been broken. However, on some Xbox 360 consoles the authentication protocol between the optical disc drive and the console may be attacked via a complex software and hardware modification which could allow people to play illegally copied and modified games.  We continue to invest in the security of the platform and will respond appropriately as unauthorized activity is identified.

  When a person purchases a genuine Microsoft Xbox360 console and genuine Xbox 360 games, they receive the real product which is complete and suited for the use intended. They know its source and can expect the console and games to function properly and provide a satisfying gaming experience. Genuine and unmodified Microsoft Xbox products provide gamers with the reliability, security, support and dynamic gaming experience that they expect, and genuine and unmodified Microsoft Xbox 360 products are eligible for technical support. If there are any questions regarding the use and enjoyment of the Xbox 360 console, the Xbox Live service, or Xbox 360 games, gamers can be assured that Microsoft will stand by its product and provide the necessary support. Modified consoles will not be eligible for technical support and the user’s warranty will be voided.

  Lastly, the protection of intellectual property rights is a high priority for Microsoft and our partners, one that significantly and positively impacts economic growth, technological innovation, and most importantly, the confidence of customers who count on the integrity and quality of their products.

So, gamers can probably expect that Microsoft will attempt some kind of software or hardware solution to work around this, and when they figure out how to detect the modified firmware of the DVD drive, people will get banned from Xbox Live.

Read More | Gamerscore Blog


E3 2006 is now over and I’ve got some sleep and licked my wounds. Without a doubt, the console to love was Wii this year. Stupid name and all, droves of people flocked to play it and thousands of press outlets threw their support behind it, often lambasting the horribly-conceived abomination that is the Playstation 3. Wii will be affordable, fun, innovative, original and simple. It won’t have the flashiest graphics on the block, but it’ll blow you away with how much fun you can have interacting. The Playstation 3 is exactly as it sounds: Playstation 2, with better graphics. Plus slipshod, “innovative”-except-not-at-all tilt sensing. Oh, and minus rumble feedback. They’ve actually proactively downgraded the controller, citing “difficulties” integrating tilt and rumble, nevermind the fact that Nintendo seems to have no troubles whatsoever with the concept. (The real reasoning plays to a dark underbelly of litigation brought on by technology company Immersion. Sony just keeps whiffing here, don’t they?)

Oh, and a very special thanks to the Electronic Software Association for putting on the E3 Expo, and also managing to completely botch up this giant banner hanging over the Expo’s West Hall exit. Bravo, guys. You could at least get the year right, hm?

PS3Evil Avatar received official word from Gamestop/EBGames that PS3 pre-orders would not start until early October, most likely to sort out the logistics of the launch, and try to avoid the issues they had with the Xbox 360 launch. While it is true that Gamestop and EBGames were put in a bad position when Microsoft did not deliver the expected amount of units for pre-orders, the companies were complicit in their bad handling of the launch; Gamestop specifically when they were selling their hugely overpriced mega-bundles while there were still people with pre-orders waiting for their Xboxes. On top of that, giving preference to people who pre-ordered more games and accessories was possibly the best way to generate ill-will other than physically abusing pre-order customers. Here are some hints to Gamestop and EB Games when they are planning the pre-order campaign: don’t sell units online while there are still people waiting for pre-paid pre-orders. Don’t change the rules for honoring the pre-order list mid-stream. If you are going to make the list where the man who drops the most coin gets the preferred spot, let people know up front. Try not to screw over your paying customers too badly this time.

Read More | Evil Avatar

According to Gamesindustry.biz, retailers are hinting at pricing for the Xbox 360 HD DVD drive, and the pricing should make the console bundled with the HD DVD drive competitive with the rumored launch pricing of the Playstation 3. UK pricing is rumored to be around 130 GBP, making a US-based competitive price more likely than not. Since the UK pricing at current exchange rates prices the console at roughly a 30% premium over the US price, assuming the UK numbers are correct, this would make the cost of the HD DVD in the US around $200; certainly a competitive bundle with the low end PS3. This would place the premium US bundle plus the HD DVD drive at around the same price as the high end Playstation 3, however, without any current support for HDMI, and nothing official on the horizon, this would leave Xbox 360 consumers with a crippled HD DVD solution versus the full Blu-Ray plus HDMI PS3 offering. $200 for a HD DVD solution, that at this time at least, doesn’t offer a path to full HD resolution on content protected HD DVDs seems like a lot, and probably won’t convert many of the HD DVD early adopters to the format. A price significantly higher than $200 in the US would probably mean that there would be a lot of HD DVD expansion units sitting on shelves.

Read More | Gamesindustry.biz

Star Trek Legacy

We had a chance to speak with Eric Krasnauskas, a designer with Mad Doc Software, the developers of Bethesda Software’s newest Star Trek title – Star Trek Legacy.

The variety of ships at your disposal comes from the entire Star Trek series starting with the recently departed Enterprise, and includes The Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager.  Not only are the original ships available, but ships can also be customized to suit your every whim.

You’ll re-live epic battles from the Star Trek universe, and one example we were shown was a battle from ST: The Wrath of Khan.  Instantly recognizable by any ST fan, your point of view shows the unsuspecting Enterprise approaching the Reliant, with Spacelab Regula One in the background.  True to the movie, Khan quickly gets the upper hand by launching a surprise attack, and it is at this point you take control of the Enterprise.  Severely damaged, the Enterprise needs a helping hand and the nearby Mutara Nebula can help even the odds.  We were concerned about being “forced” to follow a pre-determined course of action, but Eric reassured us that sticking to a movie’s plot wasn’t a requirement for winning a battle.  Although it will be more difficult, it is possible to defeat your opponent without adhering to “historical” precedence.

Click to continue reading Star Trek Legacy Impressions

