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Wii IGN is reporting that Nintendo of Japan has revealed the Wii lineup for the rest of 2007. Japanese Wii owners can breath a little sigh of relief – high profile titles Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption are slated for release in 2007. North American gamers will have to wait for confirmation on these titles, but a Japan release in 2007 would seem to be a good indication that the same games are on their way to the US as well, particularly Metroid. Nintendo, more than any other hardware manufacturer, relies heavily on their first party line up to carry the console, so getting 13 first party releases, albeit with non-games like Wii Health and Wii Music will help drive demand during the holiday season. Of course, this might be moot if Nintendo can’t increase their hardware supply as they have been promising. With third parties still seemingly adjusting to developing for the Wii, Nintendo is going to be the prime software supplier for 2007.

Read More | IGN


Devil May Cry 4

Capcom today released a horde of screen shots for their upcoming, newly multiplatform title, Devil May Cry 4. For fans of the series, there’s a ton to be gleaned from the over fifty new screens released, including shots of playable characters Nero and Dante and their custom attacks. Also featured are two boss stages featuring the demons Frost and Belial in ice and a bunch of environmental shots from the ice and fort city stages along with some concept art. The screen shots seem a little uneven, though, probably representative of the early stage of development; the fort city renders look good, and hopefully the action will live up to past installments.

Read More | Game Watch

Gamer Andy LiveHi there folks, Andy here of GamerAndy Live! As the new kid on the block here at PlayFeed and Gear Live, I’m happy to be bring you episode 78 of our little exodus into the gaming stratosphere.  Along the way you’ll be bumrushed by by the astral maurader known as “Edie” and the cosmic butt-pirate called George.  Our topics are many and varied.  Our methods are uncoventional.  Our show is Uncensored. Very uncensored.

If you’re new to the show, then don’t let talk of the Bloodthirsty Macarena(tm) throw you off - Listen in for a few shows and you’ll be able to proudly claim “I am the master of Chapple Banditry!” along with our Hardcores currently residing in the forums

With that said, I’m warning you right now Big spoiler in this episode - NAZIS LOSE!


In the GamerAndy Live! Mailbag:

  • What the hell is Tom Clancy’s End Wars?
  • Any news on Fable 2?
  • Mass Effect delayed?
  • What do you think about the Silent Hill 5 interview?
  • Is the market ready for the next big MMORPG? Yes. Is it Lord of the Rings Online? No.
  • Sony Online Entertainment nukes accounts of lazy Star Wars Galaxies players
  • Kane and Lynch, Crossfire not XBox 360 exclusives anymore
  • 80GB PS3 Rumor

Everybody loves Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles...

ShockmanHeadlining this week’s Virtual Console releases is the original Castlevania for the NES. At 500 points, gamers can explore the origins of the franchise as it appeared on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Those used to the later entries in the series will find this version somewhat limiting – the exploration elements and many of the control refinements wouldn’t appear until later releases. Instead, gamers will get six levels of sidescrolling platform action.

The other two releases this week could best be defined as “cult classics.” The Legend of the Mystical Ninja for the SNES probably didn’t have a huge following on its original release, but for 800 points gamers can experience the US-localized version of the Goemon series from Japan. The gameplay is fairly strong and graphically the game holds its own. Shockman is another arcade like title that mixes standard platforming stages with 2D shooting. At 600 points, the Turbografx16 title adds another quirky entry into the Virtual Console catalog.

Nintendo’s full press release continues below.

Click to continue reading Castlevania Heads To Virtual Console


Microsoft continues its string of multiple Live Arcade releases this week, this time with the hugely anticipated Catan along with arcade classics Centipede and Millipede. Catan has had board game geeks waiting eagerly; the Live Arcade version of the classic Settlers of Catan strategy board game will hopefully live up to expectations. The game will sell for 800 points ($10) and features decent single player offerings with a supposedly strong AI along with four player multiplayer support over Xbox Live. Centipede and Millipede get bundled together for 400 points ($5) and promise updated graphical modes. Both titles will hit Xbox Live this Wednesday.

Read More | Gamerscoreblog

Parappa Sony Computer Entertainment’s re-release of the classic PlayStation title, Parappa The Rapper, is headed to the United States this July. Sony Computer Entertainment America today announced the title’s release. For the most part, the title is a straight-up re-make of the original, with a few changes. First, the graphics have been remade to fit the PSP’s widescreen format display. Second, the company has added support for wireless networking. In ad-hoc mode, gamers will be able to compete against three other players wirelessly, and SCEA will also be providing downloadable content via the PSP infrastructure connection.

SCEA’s full press release continues below.

Click to continue reading Parappa PSP Gets US Release

Xbox 360 Digitimes indicates that the Xbox 360 GPU could see a die shrinkage to 65nm as early as this fall. “Equipment makers” were sourced at Commercial Times in China, indicating that an engineering version of the GPU has been sent out for test, and that production of the GPU could be started in May. This could mean that customers will see yet another Xbox 360 configuration with both CPU and GPU running on 65nm parts, making for a cooler, quieter unit. While these mysterious “equipment manufacturer” sources haven’t traditionally been the most reliable, a transition to 65nm has to be in the Xbox 360’s future, if only for cost cutting measures on Microsoft’s side.

Read More | Digitimes

Assassins Kickin' it Old Skool

Looks like Assassin’s Creed may be taking a chunk of time out of your beginnig-of-quarter studying schedule, for all you gamer-students out there. If Amazon.com‘s listing is correct, the game will be launching on September 25th this year. Currently, you can pre-order the Ubisoft game for either Xbox 360 or the Playstation 3, from Amazon’s website, for $59.99. Interestingly, there’s also an Assassin’s Creed DS listing over at Amazon, but we’re not going to give that too much credibility.

Personally, I can’t wait to see if there’s any difference between the 360 and PS3 versions of the title. Given that the game was one of the most visually impressive demonstrations of the PS3 hardware, it’ll be interesting to see how the worst-kept non-exclusivity secret in gaming plays on supposedly inferior hardware.

Read More | Amazon.com

Call me strange, but I like videogames because they help me to escape reality, not re-tell the most terrible parts of it. Hence, I’ve never really been one to heed the “Call” of WWII shooters and Desert-Storm style combat ops… still, the trailer for this game is looking quite technically impressive, and I do love me a good FPS from time to time. Plus, I’m glad to see Activision won’t be retelling WWII a fourth time!

Call of Duty 4 will be the first game in the series to deal with modern warfare, and it looks to focus mainly on Middle East conflicts (and there are lots to choose from!) In addition to the trailer above, the website is also open now at CharlieOscarDelta.com. Enjoy, you baby-killing war-fueled violence-freaks you! 😉

No details on platform or release date are available yet, but we’ll keep you updated as the news rolls in!

Read More | COD4 Website

Xbox 360 Elite PackPersonally, it seemed like a strange move to me when Microsoft announced the Xbox 360 “elite” edition. For a console that had really carved out a position for itself in the current-gen competition, it seemed like the Elite was just M$ trying to make their console look more like a PS3. Well, color me wrong, because it seems like the Elite may be selling like hotcakes.

According to videogame news site Punch-Jump, the Xbox 360 Elite edition was posted on Amazon.com yesterday for pre-orders (good luck getting it on Sunday!), and sold out “within hours” of being listed. Of course, it’s not clear whether or not this actually represents M$ increasing their market share… are these truly *new* gamers, or just folks upgrading from their Platinum edition 360’s? We’ll be keeping a close eye on the NPD numbers next month… could this be the edge that Microsoft needs to beat out Sony in this round?

P.S. For those of you that weren’t madly refreshing the Amazon.com homepage on Thursday, you could always try your luck getting a Wii or Elite 360 at Target this week!

Read More | Punch-Jump.com

