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Pokemon Trozei Puzzle Game Coming to Nintendo DS

Posted by Brandon Gribin Categories: Nintendo DS, Strategy,
According to a press release distributed today, Nintendo is set to release a new puzzle game entitled Pokemon Trozei. The title is being described as a “slide-action puzzle game” where players use the touch screen to align titles and clear them from the screen. Four tiles aligned, either vertically or horizontally, is a “Trozei” - hence the title of the game. We’re looking forward to going hands-on with this one. It should be fun and make for another solid title on Nintendo’s handheld. Look for this one to hit stores on March 6, 2006. Full release after the jump.
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World of Warcraft Surpasses 5 Million Users

Posted by Brandon Gribin Categories: Internet, MMORPG, PC, Role Playing Games,
Today Blizzard announced that its massively multi-player online RPG, World of Warcraft, now has over 5 million subscribers worldwide. We have only one word to sum that up: WOW. The World of Warcraft game achieved the status of number 1 MMORPG back in July when they hit three and a half million subscribers. With the game recently launching in Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong, you know the numbers were going to get astronomical. If you’re looking for more Warcraft action, be on the lookout for The Burning Code, an expansion that hits next year.
Read More | Gaming Horizon
Previous Generation King Kong Drops to $30

Posted by Brandon Gribin Categories: Action, Nintendo Gamecube, PlayStation 2,
In somewhat of a surprising move, Ubisoft has dropped the price of its new King Kong title to $29.99. This price holds for all versions of the game except for the Xbox 360 version, which still retails for $59.99. After somewhat disappointing sales numbers for the month of November, we knew price drops would be coming soon for current-gen games, but this soon? For a title this new? The King Kong videogame has received very good reviews - as the film it’s based off has also. Between Friday and Sunday the film fell short of expectations and grossed a little more than $50 million. Ubisoft probably lowered the price for two reasons - because of lagging videogame sales and also because of lower-than-expected ticket sales for the feature film.
Read More | King Kong Pricing
Can’t get enough of the Mario Kart series? You may want to check out the new Mario Kart Arcade title! The game features eleven characters - including new-to-the-series characters Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, and Blinky. The game also has 24 unique courses and allows for up to four players to go head to head. We haven’t gone hands on with the unit just yet, so cannot say whether it lives up to former Mario Kart titles. Still, we are sure it is a blast when a bunch of friends get together for some turtle shell-hurling madness.
Read More | Discount Arcade
Following the recent report headed by Nielson and Activision proving the effectiveness of in-game advertising, THQ has decided to beef up its own in-game ads. Massive Network will provide THQ with an incorporated network that will display ads in certain THQ games.
Here’s what THQ’s VP of Worldwide Sales has to say about it:
“Dynamic, in-game advertising not only offers publishers new revenue opportunities, but when done properly creates added realism that can actually enhance gameplay.”
So are you in favor of this? Should ads be allowed in games? And if so, should game prices be lowered as a result?
Read More | Next Generation
The non-profit organization run by Gabe and Tyco of Penny Arcade has raised over $420,000 to donate to children in hospitals over the holidays. Donations include games, toys, and money. Raising so much money for such an honorable cause is outstanding, and we tip our hats to the guys of Penny Arcade.
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Based on Sony’s projections, the PSP install base is about to jump between 2.5 and 3 million before the end of the year. The grand total of PSP units sold would be around 6 million. So why the huge jump in sales? Sure the holidays are approaching, but could this jump have anything to do with a certain other videogame machine’s shortage?
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Nintendo Releases Sales Figures

Posted by Brandon Gribin Categories: Corporate News, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Gamecube,
Nintendo recently released impressive numbers for its Nintendo DS portable platform - 8.83 million units shipped worldwide. Of that figure, 2.37 million have been shipped to the U.S. We’d say it’s impressive - especially considering the portable machine first released around a year ago. Furthermore, 23.8 million units of DS software have been sold worldwide.
Moving onto the Gamecube, the home console just passed 10 million units in the U.S. - bringing the grand worldwide total to 19.31 million. Sony’s PS2 has sold millions more units, but Nintendo’s not giving up on the home console market yet.
Read More | PALGN
This weekend’s Wall Street Journal features a front-page article on current legislation of videogame laws. Many states throughout the country are currently enacting, or have already enacted, laws barring minors from purchasing violent videogames.
The problem is that courts around the country are deeming these laws inappropriate because they conflict with our first amendment right to free speech. We’re able to stroll into a bookstore and purchase any book we’d like, regardless of our age or content of the book. Interested in reading up the violent actions in “Crime and Punishment?” It doesn’t matter if you’re only ten or twelve years old - you’d be able to pick up a copy of the book, or any other book for that matter, and start reading.
Click to continue reading Videogame Laws vs. The First Amendment
Microsoft: “No HD-DVD Compatible 360 Next Year”

Posted by Brandon Gribin Categories: Corporate News, Xbox 360,
Microsoft has denied that it will release a HD-DVD compatible Xbox 360 in 2006. Releasing a new version of the 360 would certainly upset consumers who already put down cash on the currently available units. While it’d be great if the 360 did support a next-gen DVD format since the discs would be larger in size, it would ramp up the machine’s price. Additionally, with each passing day, it’s looking more and more like the Blu-Ray, will beat out HD-DVD to become the next-gen DVD standard.
Any thoughts on this?
Read More | EuroGamer
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