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Master Chief Devliers Halo Script To Hollywood

Posted by Jesse Easley Categories: Corporate News, First Person Shooters, Xbox,
Master Chief, accompanied by other Bungie and Microsoft employees, started to deliver scripts of the Halo movie to multiple studios for review. There has been an everlasting debate on if this movie will be any good and according to Bungie the script goes along with the whole Halo story. They have even created a Halo “Bible” for whatever studio picks up the film so they follow the Halo storyline. This should hopefully prevent the movie from turning into something like Super Mario Brothers or Street Fighter: The Movie.
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Legend of Mir 3 Gamer Gets Jail Time

Posted by Jesse Easley Categories: Internet, PC, Role Playing Games,
Now as most of us know, some people who play MMOG’s usually get sucked in and don’t leave their rooms for days, weeks, or months at a time. Well, this story isn’t game news but relates to a game and the stupidity of it makes me need to post this. One Chinese gamer has taken his online gaming world into the real world. Qiu, who is 43 years old, got really upset that a player he lent his “virtual sword” to in the game Legend of Mir 3 had sold it for $870. Rather than the usual name calling, cursing, or battling in game, Qiu decided to break into this persons house and murder them. Qiu was given a suspended death sentence, which pretty much means life term. Bring on the “Video games cause violence” debates!
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Even more Revolution news - we can’t get away from this thing. We know Nintendo is big on the buffet of colors they like to showcase their consoles in, but that green-yellow Revolution looks like vomit. Nonetheless, these are the colors they are currently showing off. No word yet on if they will all be available at launch in the US or Japan, but history says no.
Check this out - the Nintendo Revolution has controller ports for Nintendo Gamecube controllers. Right next to them lie two Gamecube memory card ports as well. Very cool to see the level of backwards compatibility they are taking with this one, although the location of the ports being on top of the console is a bit suspect. Where does this leave us in terms of the Revolution’s controller? Will it be designed for Revolution, N64, SNES, and NES games while foregoing Gamecube design? Nintendo, can we hurry up with the announcement already? Thanks.
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Nintendo President Iwata has officially destroyed the rumor that the retro games for the Revolution will be free. Some of the games will have free trials and bonuses, but the games themselves will not be. Interestingly enough though, you will be able to download demos of games for your DS through the Revolution. Iwata did not announce any pricing quite yet, but he has stated that some games will be used in promotions like buy one get one free type of deal. This goes directly against what George Harrison said - but Iwata-san is the big Nintendog in the company.
Referring specifically to online rumours that the company would give away its back catalogue for free on the service, Iwata said that “we have no plans to distribute [our back catalogue] without a fee.”
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God of War Audio Review

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Features, PlayStation 2, Reviews,
If you have yet to play God of War, Jesse took the game to task and came back extremely impressed. Take a listen to his quick audio impression of the game, recorded in a car of all places! Click below for the goods.
Voice: Jesse Easley
Duration and Size: 2:47, 1.4 MB
Listen | God of War Audio Review
Gamespot is reporting that Ninja Gaiden Black will hit stores in September for the low price of $29.99. Gamespot found this by doing a simple search of upcoming price lists on pointing to the price of the title. Gamespot not beliving the price to be correct, decide to make a call to Temco for confirmation if this price was right. Temco confirmed it was correct and also promised that it would not just be a cheap remake of the XBox classic Ninja Gaiden, but rather a full re-envisioning by Team Ninja with improved graphics and even more action then before. For those you who can not wait for Ninja Gaiden Black, you can buy Ninja Gaiden at a video game store near you - however, it will cost you $39.99.
Nintendo Revolution Retro Games Will Be Free
Posted by Edwin Soto Categories: Corporate News, Retro, Wii,
In a stunning move leaving me speechless, Nintendo of America VP, George Harrison, has announced that the Revolution will likely sport free emulated retro gaming. This is a far cry from what they have done in the past with GBA retro titles and what was expected from the system for such a unique service. The games will be downloadable through an online system, however third parties developers of the past will likely charge some sort of service fee for downloading their games while Nintendo titles will be free and playable online - where applicable. This is fine, because I’d rather play Mario Kart over Street Fighter online anyway.
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Future Eye Candy and Game Play Goodies of the PS3, Xbox 360 and Revolution

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox 360,
This week I had a discussion about the impending PS3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo Revolution where I emphasized over and over again “We play the games not the specs sheet”. Having gotten that mantra out of the way there are some fascinating possibilities that this massive shift in computing and graphical power would bring to the video game world.
Click to continue reading Future Eye Candy and Game Play Goodies of the PS3, Xbox 360 and Revolution
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