On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

ESRB Hints At Street Fighter II On Virtual Console

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: CAPCOM, Fighting, Nintendo, Retro, Wii,

Street Fighter II1up.com has done a little trolling through the ESRB database and found some interesting titles. Games like Kirby’s Adventure and Kid Icarus appear in the database for the Wii, but a new entry, Street Fighter II: The World Warrior is listed. While this title could be for something other than the Virtual Console, this seems unlikely. Hopefully, having Capcom on board will mean that gamers will get to see other classic titles like Bionic Commando.

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Gallery: ESRB Hints At Street Fighter II On Virtual Console


Capcom Closes Clover Studio

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: CAPCOM, Corporate News,

Clover LogoCapcom announced today via press release that they are closing Clover Studio, developers of the Viewtiful Joe franchise and the recent God Hand. It seems odd to dissolve a successful development studio, but according to rumors reported to Game|Life, it appears that the main members of the studio were going to leave and form their own development house, so dissolving the studio probably served Capcom’s interests best.

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Gallery: Capcom Closes Clover Studio

Capcom: No Dead Rising SDTV Patch

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, CAPCOM, Xbox 360,

Dead Rising Box When Dead Rising for the Xbox 360 shipped a few weeks ago, many gamers immediately reported an issue with the mission text in the game being unreadable on some SDTV sets. Capcom stated that they were investigating the problem, and a short time later provided some suggestions that might help ameliorate the issue. However, this did not fix the problem for all users. Now, according to statements received by 1up, there will be no patch addressing this problem. Capcom representatives were quoted as saying “Due to the amount of text and the size of the patch necessary to change the text, a patch isn’t possible for this issue.”

While this is disappointing for a number of gamers, this problem could have been minimized. Capcom could have expanded its quality assurance process to include a wider variety of television types, but to really address this, Microsoft should make both SDTV and HDTV readability a requirement for a game title to be released on the Xbox 360 platform.

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Gallery: Capcom: No Dead Rising SDTV Patch

